If you have ever worked on a team, then they have probably used the Kanban management method, though they may not even realize it. The concept of Kanban refers to distributing the intellectual work in such a way that small tasks are developed until they reach a final product at the deadline, all while each part of the process is visible to the group members. While you can make this distribution through notes, in the end, this becomes very cumbersome to carry. This is why you should consider a Kanban app to help you maximize your work.

Kanban is a Japanese concept that roughly translates to “signal card”, referring to its visual representation, which tends to be cards with concrete steps that each team member can perform. It is said that TaiichiOhno, a Toyota employee, was the creator of the modern Kanban.

When the assembler required a specific part for a vehicle, they requested it, but it was not necessarily a priority of the process. Instead, while other parts of the car were assembled, this part was manufactured. In this way, each part went through its corresponding quality control, and they could be ready for the final product by the deadline.

Kanban has allowed many organizations to assign specific jobs to staff without overloading them, greatly improving the final quality of the product. Since Kanban allows all members of a team to be aware of the overall progress, they can use their time as they wish. This way, leaders do less management work and work as part of the team.

Today, many Kanban tools can help you manage these processes. In this article created by our team at TMS, you will find a list that brings together some of the most popular options. With them, you can dramatically improve your workflow.

The World’s Most Popular Kanban Boards


Trello - Who gave visibility to the method.

Trello is well-known as being the Kanban app that allowed this management system to soar to popularity. Currently, it has maintained its title as being one of the most used tools to help with management jobs.

The advantage of Trello is that it is a free Kanban board, at least in its essential functions. It also has a pro version that gives you access to other features, including a broader customization catalog.

Clarizen Go

Clarizen Go - Aimed at companies.

Clarizen Go has distinguished itself from Trello by providing trade-oriented tools. Some do not consider it a Kanban app, but it works very well for work management. As a Trello alternative, it offers much more in terms of commercial processes.


ProofHub - A unique plan for the team.

For a single payment for the entire team, ProofHub allows you to organize your projects quickly and intuitively. This Kanban tool allows you to create a road map where you can detail the deadlines for each task, as well as create as many workflows as you want.

Since it has a role management system, you can control who has the right to edit the tables.


HeySpace - Personal communication.

HeySpace’s biggest feature is that it offers a powerful chat tool that is available among team members. Its main panel is divided into three categories: Tasks, chat window, and channels and members.

Interaction is the most important feature when you use HeySpace, so it is ideal for projects where a constant exchange of ideas is required, in addition to allowing you to easily edit the tasks if necessary.




If you want to organize your projects and tasks on a simple Kanban board view, then nTask is a great fit. Organize your workflows, assign cards to team members, track time, and see the visual progress with Gantt charts. 

It is simple to use and help teams to manage multiple projects in a single platform. Define your steps in board, or use pre-built templates to get started.



Asana - Work doesn't have to be boring.

Asana is a great Kanban app with excellent design and features. Oriented to make team members feel comfortable at work, Asana offers fun animations and rewards each time a task is completed.

Asana is perfect for those who have never used a Kanban board online, and it will give them the motivation to start using it more consistently.


Jira - For report fans.

If you prefer to have your work organized in reports and graphics, then you should give Jira a try.

With Jira, having each task ordered and subsequently assigned to a chart will be simple, give you the ability to withdraw different types of reports depending on what you need.


MeisterTask - Let everything be more visual.

A mix between Kanban and mind maps is what MeisterTask and MindMeister offer you. Having both ways of organizing the tasks at your disposal always helps the team to adapt to the new management.

Regardless of your visual option, each one will give you chat options, task scheduling, and tracking tools.


Kanbanize - Each task in due course.

Dividing each task by hierarchy is essential if you do not want to move away from the main purpose of the team. Kanbanize gives you a graphic and an intuitive way to keep everyone focused on what is important, so you can work from the fundamental tasks to those that arise from it.

This Kanban staff tool is perfect for large organizations where the workload is larger. By dividing them into different steps, you will always know what needs to be done next.

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects - Visually control each task.

Thanks to the possibility of adding images to each of the tasks created with Zoho Projects, you can be constantly monitoring the members responsible for doing each task, as well as their progress with the commission.

Like any Kanban app, this allows you to divide tasks into multiple cards, assign deadlines, and have everything organized from a central system.


Breeze - No distracting elements.

If you want your customers to see the status of the projects commissioned, Breeze is a Kanban board that makes it possible. Due to its simple interface, where it uses colors to highlight important elements, everyone can view and understand the workflow and its status.

Breeze also allows you to keep track of how many hours a team member has dedicated to a specific task, schedule meetings visible to the entire group, create personalized activity schedules for each client, and much more.

Kanban Tool

Kanban Tool - What professionals use.

The name may not be the most original, but you are facing a powerful tool that does not hide what it offers. Kanban Tool is a software used by renowned companies, such as Pirelli and Cisco, to self-manage the work of the teams.

Kanban Tool has a simple graphic presentation, which allows you to drag cards to other places whenever you want. So, if a job is ready or has undergone any changes, you simply drag it to its new position. It is the Kanban method in its entire splendor.


Monday.com - Not only is it a Kanban tool.

Monday.com offers a complete management software with calendars, graphics, Kanban boards, maps, database, and more. The elements of the Kanban board are easy to edit, so you can monitor the tasks you consider most important, see the members who are assigned, and even invite staff to a task if you deem it necessary. Check out SoftwareHow for a detailed review of Monday.


Scrumwise - Don't run out of time.

With Scrumwise, it is very easy to deliver each job on time. This software offers integration to a Kanban board that will keep you informed of time constraints, so if you need a quick job done quickly, Scrumwise may come in handy.


LeanKit - A different design.

Not all Kanban apps are required to have the same column design. LeanKit offers a different experience by using groups and sections with unique designs. Although adapting to this software is somewhat complicated at first, due to the fact that it is different from other Kanban formats, you will be able to manage very complex tasks after some practice.


ProjectManager.com - A complete ecosystem.

Although the main commitment of ProjectManager.com is to offer a powerful Kanban board, it does offer more than what it appears to.

This tool has everything you need for the administration and management of large-scale projects and businesses, such as graphs and reports in real-time, collaboration systems between groups, and even control of income, expenses, and time spent.

Taiga – Make it easy and accessible

Taiga - Make it easy and accessible

Taiga is an open-source Kanban app that maintains a simple design for its management. In addition to using this organization system, it also presents the Scrum format, so the software has the basic elements to work with both methods.


ZenHub - For the software developer

If you want to integrate a GitHub account to a Kanban board, then you need to use ZenHub. This tool is specifically designed for developers who need to quickly access GitHub repositories.


Taskworld - Keeping everything in place

A project essentially depends on each, the individual task being completed but following everyone’s progress can be confusing. With Taskworld, everything is reduced to a single flowline as you work, which allows you to quickly monitor what remains to be done.


Smartsheet - More than a Kanban App.

Smartsheet’s proposal is more complete than that of other, similar applications. It allows you to be able to centralize all your work in a single control center so you can store all important company and team data in one place, making it easy to find if needed.


Wrike - A robust plan.

Wrike offers you free access to the basic functions of a Kanban board, including task management, column editing, etc. However, if you are willing to pay the plans it offers, you will have one of the most complex tools of the entire list at your disposal.


Flow-e - For small jobs

If your team is small, you may not require numerous business management functions, but rather something simple. Flow-e removes everything you do not need to manage a small group of people, all this integrated into your Gmail or Outlook inbox.


Yodiz - Taking advantage of Scrumban views.

Thanks to the way projects are visualized in Yodiz, you can accelerate the speed with which the work is completed. You can see how the main objective is completed, as the secondary tasks are performed on the board.

Do not feel overwhelmed because of the number of Kanban app options available. Each one offers something unique that can benefit you in your work. We recommend that you take your time and do your due diligence to review each one to be sure it fits your needs.

If you enjoyed reading this article on Kanban app, you should check out this one about project management framework.

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