Isidora Markovic – TMS TMS Blog Tue, 05 Oct 2021 09:25:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Software Development Methodologies You Could Use Tue, 05 Oct 2021 09:25:19 +0000 Development team managers often seek to add structure to the project workflow. For successful project management, choosing a software development methodology is vital. The chosen methodology will enable smooth development according to the project requirements. All methodologies have strengths and limitations and work differently in different situations. To handle specific software development projects, teams need […]

The post The Software Development Methodologies You Could Use appeared first on TMS.

Development team managers often seek to add structure to the project workflow. For successful project management, choosing a software development methodology is vital.

The chosen methodology will enable smooth development according to the project requirements.

All methodologies have strengths and limitations and work differently in different situations. To handle specific software development projects, teams need the right software development methodology.

However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all methodology for every development team.

Here is an overview of the most utilized and recognized software development methodologies. This information will help managers to decide which is right for their team.

What Is Software Development Methodology?

The methodology for a software development life cycle is actually a structure.

Teams use it to plan and control the procedure of creating a specialized information system. This enables them to achieve the desired goals.

It can be used by massive organizations with large teams working on projects. Or by a single freelance developer.

Application development defines the process of how the application is made. It generally follows a standard methodology.

With this methodology, the software development process does not involve any technical aspects. But it does demand proper planning for the software development lifecycle.

Getting the best out of one depends on the team structure, requirements, and goals. It’s also possible to use different software development methodologies for different projects.

Waterfall Development Method

Waterfall Development Method
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Many view this as the traditional method of explaining the software development process.

It clarifies the process into a linear flow with a specified sequence. Users see that levels are progressive and depend on the completion of the previous one.

This application development method is like a waterfall because once you go down, you can’t go back up. Everything flows downward.

The development team works together over a set period of time. Their goal is to build exactly what the specifications outline.

Typically, they must finish one stage before beginning the next. This can help with organization and assignments.

Knowing the full scope of the project in advance makes it easy to measure software progress.


The waterfall method is often used by plan-driven teams who have a very good view of the nature of the project. However, development teams who do not work in a gap  can also find good outcomes with the Waterfall model.


  • The linearity makes it easy to understand, particularly for new developers.
  • It is easy to manage projects because of the rigidity of the model. Moreover, each phase has specific deliverables and an individual review process.
  • All specifications and deliverables are spelled out before the development commences.
  • This model saves a significant amount of time, with all phases processed and completed at a given time.


  • The waterfall development method is often slow and costly. This is due to its rigid structure and tight controls.
  • There is no possibility to develop working software until the last stage of the cycle.
  • It doesn’t include customer feedback in the early phases. This increases the risk of the project veering off target.
  • Testing is only executed at the end of the development. Some problems are harder to fix at a later stage.

Agile Development Methodology

Agile Development Methodology

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Teams use the agile development methodology to minimize risk. Risks include such things as bugs, cost overruns, and changing requirements.

This is especially vital when adding new functionality.

In all agile methods, teams develop the software in iterations. Each iteration contains mini-increments of the new functionality.

Agile separates work into distinct phases called sprints. Each sprint lasts a few weeks, during which team members pursue a list of deliverables.

The agile development team members and the Scrum master check the task as the sprint ends.

Agile values individuals and their relationships and interactions more than tools. It features customer collaboration throughout the development process.

It responds to change instead of following a set-in-stone plan. It also focuses on presenting working software rather than documentation.


Agile project management methodology is also more team or squad-based.

RAD involves working directly with a programmer. With Agile, the application development team includes testers, UX designers, technical writers, and many others.

Some may need a framework for development that can help to deal with the volatile marketplace dominated by consumers. They should definitely consider implementing the philosophy of Agile software development.

The Agile methodology is ideal for projects with fast-changing requirements.

Those building software in a new niche will want to use Agile. It works best to implement the additional ideas as one learns more about the market needs.


  • It minimizes peril by creating software in short time boxes, known as iterations. These can last from one week to one month.
  • Clarity between team members during development, thanks to the frequent and transparent development.
  • Changes in project requirements are easy to address and work on with little impact on the timeline.
  • Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.
  • People and interactions are key, rather than processes and tools. Customers, developers, and testers have constant interaction with each other.
  • Agile methodology has an adaptive approach. It enables users to respond to the changing requirements of the clients.


  • Those used to the waterfall method may have difficulty adjusting to an agile SDLC.
  • The team can sometimes lose focus due to overwhelming change requests.
  • Documentation takes a back seat in Agile, which can be a problem later on in development.
  • At the start of the software development life cycle, it is hard to assess the effort needed. This is the case with some software deliverables, especially the large ones.

Feature-Driven Development Methodology

Feature-Driven Development Methodology

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Feature Driven Development, or FDD is a software development methodology based on Agile. Its goal is simple, to prevent confusion that leads to costly rework.

FDD is sometimes mistaken as focusing on each of the software features. It is not.

To keep clients satisfied, developers calculate what features they can create. They break complex requests into smaller feature sets.

Then they put together a plan for how to reach each goal on time.

For frequent and efficient production of tangible software, FDD has five steps. The first step is to develop an overall model.

Next, build a feature list and then plan by each feature. The final two steps—design by feature and build by feature—will take up the majority of the effort.

At each step, the methodology encourages status reporting. This helps to track progress, results, and possible errors.


This is an iterative methodology for software development. It aims to serve lots of teams working on a project based on object-oriented technology.

It is a good model for companies that are passing from a phase-based method to an iterative approach.


  • Breaks down complicated tasks into smaller activities, which fuels efficiency.
  • Based on predefined standards and best practices, which leads to predictable success.
  • With this model, progress tracking of the project happens by a feature that is a focused approach.
  • It allows multiple teams to work simultaneously. Which, in turn, saves time.
  • FDD helps to move larger size projects and obtain repeatable success.


  • The rigid structure of FDD makes it less desirable to teams who balance project-driven and break-fix types of work.
  • Not an ideal methodology for smaller projects. So it is not good for an individual software developer.
  • It places a high dependency on the main developer. That person must be able to act as coordinator, lead designer, and mentor.
  • It can sometimes deviate from delivering value to the end-users. This is because the model is driven by activities.

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DevOps Development Methodology

DevOps Development Methodology

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DevOps is a popular term gaining a lot of attention. This is because of the unconditional benefits it offers to its customers.

The siloed process of Development and Operations is not the same as the inception of DevOps.

DevOps is not only a methodology for development. Rather, it is a series of activities that sustain an organizational culture.

The deployment of DevOps focuses on operational reform. This strengthens coordination between the divisions responsible for the development life cycle.

Such divisions include development, quality assurance, and operations.

Development and operational teams can work on things at the same time. This is thanks to the continuous integration and continuous delivery model.

They can perform everything, from development, quality assurance, and security, to other operations.


DevOps may be particularly appropriate for founders of a technology startup. It can provide them with a quicker way to build apps.

It is also useful for project managers who need a more effective series of program testing procedures.


  • A significant reduction in time to market and improved customer satisfaction.
  • Simultaneous multiple ongoing processes. This makes the process faster and easier for businesses to process on time.
  • With increasing changes in the product and infrastructure, the developed products are robust and secure.
  • This is a collaborative platform pillared on strong parameters of accountability and ownership.


  • Some customers don’t want continuous updates to their systems.
  • Some industries have strict regulations. These require extensive testing before a project can move to the operations phase.
  • If different departments use different environments, undetected issues can slip into production.
  • Some quality attributes require human interaction, which slows down the delivery pipeline.
  • Speed and security are not always achieved using DevOps.

Scrum Development Methodology

Scrum Development Methodology

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The Scrum development methodology is useful in almost all project forms. As a phase of software development, it starts with a brief plan for each sprint.

Regular scrum meetings follow that demonstrate the success of the project. It concludes with a final analysis.

Team members break down end goals into smaller goals at the beginning of the lifecycle. They work through them using fixed-length iterations, or sprints.

In each sprint (which usually lasts two weeks), they build software and showcase it often.

It is a perfect approach because it is easy to track and progress projects.


Scum is the go-to methodology if you have a project with vague requirements. The series of iterations help to generate the required software.


  • Short iterations allow quick resolutions to problems.
  • Scrum mixes the structure and discipline of more traditional software development methodologies with the flexibility and iterative practices of modern Agile.
  • Decision-making lies in the hands of the team.
  • Business requirement document is considered insignificant
  • Scrum is economical and effective.


  • There is no definite end date. So stakeholders may be tempted to keep demanding new functionality.
  • It can lead to an inaccurate estimation of project costs and time. Thus, the development model suffers.
  • It is good for small, fast-moving projects, but is not suitable for larger projects.
  • All team members must be equally skilled and committed for Scrum to work.
  • This methodology needs experienced team members.
  • Project quality management is hard to implement and quantify. For this reason, the test team should conduct regression testing after each sprint.

Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development

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The RAD approach came out of the need to deliver applications in a very short amount of time. In a nutshell, it’s a high-speed adaptation of the Waterfall method.

It achieves rapid development by using component-based construction.

The Rapid Application Development method contains four phases. These are:

  1. Requirements planning
  2. User design
  3. Construction
  4. Cutover

Phases 2 and 3 repeat until the user confirms that the product meets all requirements.

This methodology aims to improve the workability of the whole software or web application project. for highlighting the participation of an active user.


For the best results, ensure to have a team of experienced developers. It also requires customers who are equally involved in the project.

Communication is key to realizing projects with the RAD method. Invest in RAD tools like low-code/no-code applications to speed up the development.


  • As a result of prototyping in nature, there is less possibility of defects.
  • Each phase in RAD delivers the highest priority functionality to the client.
  • Risks reduction through regular customer feedback.
  • Makes the entire development process effortless.
  • Assists clients in taking quick reviews.
  • Encourages feedback from customers for improvement.


  • It only works on systems that can be modularized.
  • Progress and problems are hard to track as there is no documentation.
  • Dependent on the team for performance.
  • Requires very skilled personnel to handle complexities.
  • Not applicable for small budget projects.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP)

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With Extreme Programming, customer involvement in the software building process is high. This agile software engineering methodology is presently known as XP methodology.

In general, XP follows a set of values, rather than steps. These include:

  • simplicity (develop what is required, nothing more)
  • communication (teams must collaborate and work together on every piece of the software)
  • consistent feedback
  • respect


Its prime use is for crafting software within a very unbalanced atmosphere.

The main goal of the XP model is to lower the cost of software requirements. It is quite common for the cost of changes at later stages in the project are very high.


  • It focuses on customer involvement
  • Establishes rational plans and schedules
  • Developers have an exceptional commitment to the project
  • Equipped with modernistic methods for quality software
  • Allows software development companies to save on costs and time for project realization.
  • This model is consistent with most modern development methods. So, developers are able to produce quality software.


  • Effectiveness depends on the people involved
  • Requires frequent meetings for development raising total costs
  • Necessitates excessive development changes
  • Exact possibilities and future outcomes are unknown
  • Some specialists say that it is more focused on the code rather than on design.

Lean Development Methodology

Lean Development Methodology

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The Lean methodology focuses on the development of low-budget software that is change-tolerant.

It maximizes resources by developing software with one-third the funds, human efforts, and production time. The workflow of Lean is minimal, and it cuts all forms of excesses such as meetings, documentation, and so on.

Lean development is born out of the Lean manufacturing principles of Toyota. Lean philosophies, practices, and tools help to innovate at scale.

The basic principles of Lean are:

  • optimize the whole
  • eliminate waste
  • build quality in
  • create knowledge
  • defer commitment
  • deliver fast
  • respect people

These principles can guide decision-making across the organization. It helps to unearth potential issues and maintain a healthy organizational culture.


Lean development is ideal for small projects with tight budgets. Minimizing waste and increasing efficiency allows small teams to achieve tremendous results.

Across industries, the Lean model reduces development costs and improves quality. It also increases productivity and improves customer satisfaction.


  • The early elimination of waste speeds up the development process and reduces costs.
  • It allows the team to speed up the development. Most projects complete in short time frames, beating deadlines.
  • The Lean methodology empowers the development team. It motivates them to build acute decision-making abilities.
  • Delivering a high-quality product on time leads to increased customer satisfaction.
  • Increased motivation amongst team members.


  • The method is team-dependent. So it’s essential to put together an excellent team with exceptional skill sets.
  • Lean development requires detailed documentation.
  • To benefit time and budget, all decisions must be accurate and final.
  • To keep the project focused on the plan, there is a restriction on flexibility. This avoids unnecessary deviation and time loss.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Conclusion on the software development methodologies you could use

Software development methods are a vital part of any development project.

This article considered eight of the best. But there are several other methods to consider.

For instance, Dynamic Systems Model, Prototype Model, and Object-Oriented Development (OOD). Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses and works well in different situations.

From industry experience, software development methodologies are more functional with certain project types. Different complexities demand different experts and levels of experience in the method of choice.

It is beneficial for software developers to know about these different methodologies. Thus they can select the right one for their software development projects.

If you enjoyed reading this article on software development methodologies, you should check out this one about software development outsourcing trends.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like lean software development, offshore software developmentlean software development principles, how to hire a web development teamsoftware development budgetbusiness pivot examplesfinancial projections for startupsfinancial software development companiesIT outsourcing failures, and risk management processes.


The post The Software Development Methodologies You Could Use appeared first on TMS.

This Is Why Lean Software Development Is Amazing Wed, 22 Sep 2021 15:49:07 +0000 Lean production principles are widely employed in different industries. They are also applicable to software development. Using these principles leads to optimized programming efforts, budgeting, and lower defect rates. Optimizations can be up to 33%. Many organizations can benefit from Lean development principles. They eliminate extensive pre-planned specifications. User stories form the basis for the […]

The post This Is Why Lean Software Development Is Amazing appeared first on TMS.

Lean production principles are widely employed in different industries. They are also applicable to software development.

Using these principles leads to optimized programming efforts, budgeting, and lower defect rates. Optimizations can be up to 33%.

Many organizations can benefit from Lean development principles. They eliminate extensive pre-planned specifications.

User stories form the basis for the software development process. These are easier to understand than long lists of specifications.

Making something that no one wants or likes is a waste of time and money. Lean manufacturing focuses on providing quality and value for clients and production teams.

This article will first discuss the history of Lean development. Then it will show how to apply it and why it is so good for companies of any size and makeup.

Applying these principles is not straightforward; it requires a change in thinking. This guide also explains what the concepts of value, wanted, and others mean in the setting of Lean software development.

What is Lean Software Development

What is Lean Software Development

In general, Lean development is a management framework. It helps to optimize the use of time and resources.

This eliminates waste and delivers the product in its most essential form.

The basis of the Lean philosophy is an iterative cycle of trial and error. Some have summarized it as: “fail early to succeed sooner.”

Innovation is at the core of developing digital products. Yet, failure is a healthy element of a software development process as well.

Another expression used in this connection is Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, strategy.

A development team markets a minimalistic version of their products. Then they use user feedback to learn what is good about the product or what consumers would like to see added.

Agile or Lean principles are very similar. They both focus on the people in the team, rather than on the tools that the project uses.

They both give the people a lot of power and freedom to act and make unified decisions.

But there are also some differences. Lean focuses on the optimization of workflows.

It does this by monitoring the amount of work that a process requires. It aims to eliminate any part of the process that does not add value.

On the other hand, Agile principles break down tasks and organize them into sprints. It focuses on small amounts of work that are then executed quickly and efficiently.

Even though there may be parts of the sprints that have no direct value, they are not eliminated. The focus is more on delivering the working product.

The History of Lean Software Development

To understand how lean software development started, think back to the middle of the last century.

The Japanese car manufacturer Toyota was experiencing problems with its product delivery. They noticed that the manufacturing processes were too long.

Hence, the company was not able to deliver its products on time. They understood that they needed a different project management system.

The Lean manufacturing principle finds its origin in car production. If you know about Toyota, this isn’t news to you. If you don’t, you can check out this video:

Yet the same principles are equally applicable to other fields.

It also works in fields like banking, engineering, product development, and supply chain. It has only recently that these principles found application in software development.

After the publication of the Agile Manifesto, developers began to take an interest in other approaches to their work. The Lean philosophy found use in software development around 2003.

What interested the Lean development pioneers was the focus on the complete organization. The introduction and final achievement of Lean projects are by iterative cycles.

Every cycle, developers remove anything that does not add value to their product. That helps to constantly test and check the product and detect bugs.

What are the Strengths of Lean Software Development?

What are the Strengths of Lean Software Development?

The introduction of the Lean software development methodology does more than streamline teamwork. It has benefits for the entire organization.

It improves cost-efficiency, productivity, and profit. This is the result of the combination of well-defined principles and work practices.

Lean principles focus on making products that exactly fulfill the needs of customers. It prevents a development team from making features that no one wants.

To do this, it obtains information straight from the source, the customer.

A Lean development strategy consists of short iterations. This gives the team a chance to work with a small set of plans to start with.

Then, in small iterative cycles, the developers make needed adjustments and anticipate situations. Thus, they have the power to work fast and put improvements in place in a flexible way.

This provides major advantages in decision-making.

Lean and Agile software development methods make organizations reconsider their quality control systems. That in turn changes the way they deal with release readiness.

Quality monitoring is not only a job for higher management. Rather, it becomes part of everyday communication between members of the developing team.

Finally, the focus of Lean software development is positive. It looks in the first place at adding value, not at eliminating costs.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

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Lean Software Development’s Strengths

It Eliminates Wasteful Losses

Lean software development aims at delivering essential features.

Once the minimal viable product is on the market, the development team can learn what to improve. They can also see how to prioritize this work.

Customer input is vital in this stage. Unproductive work and investments are thus prevented.

It Generates Innovative Solutions

A Lean software development team will want to add value and invest time in innovating. Innovation is at the core of present-day advancement.

It Shortens the Development Cycles

The advantages of shorter production times are obvious. The team can deliver more in a shorter amount of time.

That allows an organization to deliver more projects, which benefits the finance department. It also helps to keep customers satisfied.

Rationalizes and simplifies the development process

Lean software development principles help make the development process simpler. It eliminates unnecessary stages.

That makes it more focus-oriented, faster, and cheaper. It saves on the most important resources, money, and time.

Increases the team involvement rate

A Lean development team is much more involved. This is because it puts a large part of the decision-making in their hands.

Employees that feel empowered form a more motivated team. The value of this cannot be overstated.

Lean principles eliminate micromanagement and the forced execution of decisions. Both are demotivating management techniques.

Motivated team members with decision-making powers deliver higher quality end products.

It Reduces Redevelopment of the Product

Having to redevelop because a product was not made right in the first place, is inefficient.

Lean Management Tools

Lean Management Tools

  • Inventory management.

This reduces the number of operations. It involves the application of constraint and queuing theories.

  • Kanban

Kanban is a workflow management system of Japanese origin. Its goal is to prevent the simultaneous completion of different process stages.

This is to prevent the overloading of other process stages.

  • Value stream mapping.

This is a method to visualize an entire software development lifecycle. It starts with the client’s request and ends with the deployment stage.

It helps to understand and optimize the amount of time spent on things like processing and downtime.

Seven Lean Principles of Software Development

Seven Lean Principles of Software Development

The next section is based on Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s book “Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit”. This shows the effective application of lean principles to the development of software.

Below is a summary of the principles.

Eliminate Waste

The elimination of waste is an indirect focus of the Lean methodology. The production of waste takes away value from the product that the client receives.

In this context, waste can refer to activities like rebuilding code or testing code. Or doing any activity more than once.

This may sound innocent but it bears a variety of quality issues. Lean means being more efficient.

According to the methodology, it’s vital to eliminate anything that does not add value. More specifically, this refers to defects, partial work, idle time, and unnecessary features.

This reduction is the first principle of Lean software development. It defines the entire philosophy.

Below is a list of types of waste that it tries to get rid of.

  • Data duplication
  • Engineering process delays
  • Communication inefficiency
  • Quality issues
  • Tasks overload in log
  • Unnecessary code and features
  • Unneeded and stifling bureaucracy
  • Unclear requirements
  • Costs associated with the aforementioned

Build In Quality

A second guiding principle in any Lean development process is quality management. Poor quality management leads to different kinds of waste, as discussed above.

All development teams want to build quality into their work. Yet, quality is not always expressed in the product.

Consistent quality is only possible if this is part of disciplined practice. Often, attempts to make a quality product lead to waste in excessive testing.

A first step in building quality is free communication between the team and the client. This helps the development team to make the product the client wants.

A second one is to think about how to eliminate anything that creates waste. For example, make it a practice to immediately fix bugs, instead of making a long backlog.

Avoid task switching, test code immediately, and create automation. That keeps the quality of the product as high as possible throughout the development process.

In the Lean approach, team members build and integrate all the time. Continuous integration reveals if all parts are working and working together well.

That keeps each part of the development phase productive.

Create Knowledge

Lean software development has its roots in Lean manufacturing. In manufacturing, Lean deals with simplification and standardization of production lines.

So, it was necessary to generate knowledge of the process and make unusual changes. The Lean concept comes with the “amplify learning” concept.

This concept proved to be a game-changer.

As teams move through projects, they gain a deeper understanding of what a client needs. They also learn what the limitations of their products are.

The code that developers produce is usually not Lean from the beginning. They will find errors and bugs and then try to improve the code.

This is part of the learning process of developers. They gain knowledge by solving problems and making variations on their initial code.

This teaches an important lesson.

In Lean software development, improving existing code and building on it is the best approach. It generates more understanding than detailed planning and documentation.

Decide as Late as Possible

Managing a project requires a balance in planning. Planning is necessary, but a long rigid list of tasks and dates is counterproductive.

Planning is not the same as making a commitment.

Software development has many uncertainties. Making late decisions allows for making better-informed decisions.

With time, more information becomes available. Hence, delaying a big decision is the best way to go.

Late decision-making is something to build into a project.

The Lean methodology aims to produce flexible software so that it is easy to add or change features. That is something to consider for after the release of the product.

But it emphasizes that software projects contain a high degree of uncertainty.

The next point may come as somewhat of a surprise. Late decision-making saves money.

This is due to the fact that it helps to shorten development times.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Deliver Fast

A happy customer is more likely to stay than one who has to wait for their product. Fast delivery also saves time for the developing agency.

Short development cycles are also beneficial in terms of the learning curve. Developers learn much more from the feedback they receive.

It allows clients time to think about final details, like design. Again, this helps to eliminate waste in both learning and communicating.

Of course, everybody wants to deliver their work as fast as possible. So, what is preventing them?

These are some common time consumers:

  • Slow communication
  • Over-engineering solutions
  • Thinking too far ahead

Respect for People

Respect for People

Development teams need general plans and reasonable goals. With that, they should know how to work based on empowerment and self-direction.

They are very skilled people and well able to use their heads to solve problems.

Helping developers to develop independent thinking skills is part of the Lean approach. People that work and think autonomously can make very good decisions.

This philosophy is part of the Agile and Lean development methodology. Encourage independence and respect in the following ways:

  • Proactive and effective communication
  • Empower others to give their best
  • Encourage healthy conflict
  • Tackle any work-related issue as a team

Optimize the Whole

Lean software development does not leave room for narrow-mindedness. At best, optimizations will be local, not company-wide.

A small picture approach will hamper the growth of the company and will push it into a small niche in the market. Instead, think broad and long-term.

The perception of the user and the software’s characteristics must coincide. If that is the case, the customer will enjoy working with it and perceive the system as reliable.

Conceptual integrity means that the components of a software solution work well together. The total product is better than the sum of all components.

There will be a balance between efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness, and maintainability.

Ending thoughts on lean software development

Everybody is looking for better efficiency in the workplace. Achieving this often requires a change of mindset to improve work practices.

It also requires the right methodology. Many companies find the Lean software development approach works well for them.

It helps to streamline processes. It forces teams to cut out anything that does not contribute to the value of the product.

Another key element of this approach is to keep the software developers at the center. They are the ones that will deliver the quality product.

To summarize, these are the core principles of the Lean approach:

  • Continuous improvement
  • Respect for people
  • Continuously experimenting, failing, and trying again
  • Currently, Lean is the best management solution for the tech industry. It’s all about speed.

Mistakes are fixable in subsequent iterations.

Pay attention to what the end-user thinks about the product. That helps the development team to come up with fresh ideas.

If you enjoyed reading this article on lean software development, you should check out this one about software development outsourcing trends.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like offshore software development, lean software development principles, how to hire a web development teamsoftware development budgetbusiness pivot examplesfinancial projections for startupsfinancial software development companiesIT outsourcing failures, and risk management processes.

The post This Is Why Lean Software Development Is Amazing appeared first on TMS.

How to Create a Software Development Plan for Your Dev Team Wed, 15 Sep 2021 15:48:38 +0000 A successful piece of software does not come about by accident. It takes clear planning and careful execution. Preparing before starting a project determines the success or failure of the product. A well-prepared process requires purpose, clear objectives, schedule, revisions, and deliverables. With these, a project leader can gain an understanding of costs and resources. […]

The post How to Create a Software Development Plan for Your Dev Team appeared first on TMS.

A successful piece of software does not come about by accident. It takes clear planning and careful execution.

Preparing before starting a project determines the success or failure of the product.

A well-prepared process requires purpose, clear objectives, schedule, revisions, and deliverables. With these, a project leader can gain an understanding of costs and resources.

Defining these parameters will make a project run smoother. Too, it prevents it from slowing down or coming to a halt.

This article discusses the reasons for having a software development plan in place. It will show how to make one and provide some practical tips.

What a Software Development Plan Is

Every software development project has some features in common.

The process starts with conceiving an idea. Next, its design, realization, and programming.

It should also include the later parts of the application’s life cycle.

In its simplest form, a software development plan is a timeline of the project. It shows the scheduling for each phase, when it starts and when it finishes.

Zooming in on a phase shows the different substeps that it entails.

A software development plan communicates the approach that the project will take and the needed resources. This is important for the project team members, as well as clients and other stakeholders.

The development plan answers the following questions:

  • What problems does the software project aim to address and solve?
  • What are the main tasks?
  • What are the resources that the project involves?
  • When during the project are the resources needed?
  • Which is the functionality chosen to address the problem?
  • What is the estimated time to complete the project/sprints?
  • What are the milestones, deadlines, deliverables, and dependencies?
  • Who are the ones involved in the project?
  • What are the responsibilities of each team member?
  • How is the quality measured? What are the quality metrics?

There are different things that managers may include in the software management plan. These are the minimum:

  • The expected outputs of the software.

The functionality details are not defined at this point. However, the plan should document the outputs.

  • Who will release the software? This is often the principal investigator, project manager, or lead developer.
  • The revision management procedure that the software development process will use.
  • The license for each output.

How to Write a Software Development Plan

To construct an effective software development plan, it’s vital to understand its importance.

Below are the most common phases of a software development project. Use them as a guide when detailing the phases and elements of any project.

Analysis and Planning

Analysis and Planning

After a client puts in a request for the development of software, the management team sits down to plan. These are some important elements to consider:

  • Alignment. How does this project fit in with the company’s mission and goals?
  • Resources. Does the company have the human and other resources to achieve project success?
  • Scheduling. How does this project align with the timelines of other projects and goals?
  • Cost. How much will it cost?

Get all the involved departments together. Do not forget developers, project managers, security, and other stakeholders.

Define The Goals

When defining the goals of the project, specify intentions, visions, and preferred endpoint. Such clarity makes it easier to predict the outcome of the project, both for the client and the company.

Defining the goals is also essential to write a realistic and concise project plan.

Software should automate certain tasks, boost productivity, or streamline processes. The exact goal should be clear.

With that in mind, define how to quantify the success of the project. Many managers make use of a Gantt chart to visualize this part.

Create a Team

Create a Team

Often, software development is teamwork.

Teams consist of various individuals. Each one brings their specific skills to the table.

That is important because the project also consists of different aspects. Selecting the right people contributes to the success of the project.

Some software development project teams are further divided into several smaller teams. Each sub-team then has its own special focus.

This can help to bring out individual skills and strengths.

In other instances, it is necessary to outsource certain tasks. This occurs when the company lacks staff with specific skill sets or other resources.

Some companies use external companies for recruiting and assembling a team.

With the number of people and departments involved, it is necessary to have one person that determines the direction. There should be one senior project manager who is the final decision-maker.

This should be someone with skill and experience in planning and executing a project.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Resources and Requirements

With the goals defined, teams can see what resources they need to achieve the desired outcome. When writing down the needed resources, think about the following elements:

  • Resources
  • Budget
  • Time

Each element is vital to accomplish the work involved in reaching the set objectives. The resources will differ for each software development project plan.

This depends on the idea and size of the project. The availability of the resources defines the timeline and deliverables.

But there is more to this section than listing resources. It helps developers to understand the needs and goals of the software development process.

The length of the list will depend on the software project.

There are many factors to consider. They include the scale of the project and how detailed the initial requirements and goals were.

Large projects often involve many stakeholders or broad objectives. In those cases, specific targets can change at any moment.

Hence, allow for flexibility. This makes it possible to absorb any sudden changes and still hit the targets.

A skilled project manager can define in detail the needs of the software development process.

Constraints and Risks

Constraints and Risks

Now, the clients, developers, and other parties can identify potential problems. Particularly problems that can slow down or stop the process.

They can classify them by production stages, such as development or product launch. It is good to also consider unforeseen circumstances.

Many software development teams use a risk matrix to identify potential issues. It then shows the likelihood of it occurring and predicts its impact.

Other often-used terms are chance and risk extent or severity.

There are two sides that a manager must consider. The technical risks and the business risks involved.

Some potential problem areas include:

  • Support from management
  • Appropriate schedule
  • Appropriate budget
  • Availability of skilled software developers.

Map the Business Processes

Analyze the activities of lower-level coworkers. Consider how they work and what they use to do their assignments.

Turn these activities into a flow diagram.

There is not one single approach to mapping business processes. In fact, there are various excellent methodologies available.

One of them is the Agile Methodology. It relies on short sprints to accomplish deliverables and maximize progress.

Consulting people from senior management is one way of dealing with bottlenecks. Yet, consulting people on the work floor may provide a very different angle on the issue.

The size of the organization will determine who and how many people to involve in the process.

Budget Estimation

This section is, of course, very important. Every action related to a software development project has a cost associated with it.

That is why it is so important to first define plans, requirements, and objectives. That will help to make an estimation of the total project cost.

There has to be a balance between budget and quality.

For that reason, many companies now opt to outsource the development work offshore. They have found that it is more cost-effective than doing it in-house.

Create a Timeline

Create a Timeline

A software development plan sets out a rough definition of the project phases at an early stage. The timeline gives a detailed plan of the needed steps and their deadlines.

This is the moment to divide project goals into manageable tasks. Before starting a task it is not always 100% clear how to accomplish it completely.

Still, take time to list whatever needs to be done and use as much detail as possible. That will make the bigger picture clearer too.

With a tasks list and an overview of the budget and human resources, it is possible to estimate the time needed.

The milestones are an important part of the timeline. It accounts for the work schedules and justifies the resources the project will use.

The problem with software development projects is the risk and uncertainty they bring.

It is thus wise to calculate some buffer time to complete all tasks. Also, the services of a project manager ensure that the project stays on track.

Sprint Meetings

Sprints and sprint meetings are part of modern management techniques. These techniques aim to minimize project time frames.

During sprint meetings managers, developers, and others involved in the project get together. They will discuss what tasks are on the schedule for that week.

Some managers prefer to have sprint meetings every two weeks, or even once a month. Any way works but needs to be in agreement with the project demands and expectations.

A task defines a sprint and each developer or team member has a specific task. The skill and experience of the team member determine the nature of the task.

It is up to the project leader or manager to determine which task to assign to which developer.

Continuous Revision and Modification

Continuous Revision and Modification

Testing, tracking, and bug fixing run parallel with the software development process. This is an ongoing process that aims to remove as many problems as possible and move the project forward.

After completion of the software comes another round of in-depth testing. Usually, a group of beta-testers does this.

User experience tools can show how users interact with the software.

Even after the software’s release, it is good for developers to look back at their work. Software development is a very dynamic and fast-moving field.

So, keeping older versions is very important.

If disputes arise during development, older versions are useful to refer back to. Color coding is a good way of keeping track of different versions.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Risks Associated With Software Development Planning

Writing up a good software development project plan is not simple. When a software project increases in complexity, the planning becomes even more challenging.

The reason software projects fail is often found in poor project planning. The following section gives specific reasons why some software development project plans fail.

Unclear Goals

Success is only measurable when there are clear goals. In other words, it is not possible to achieve success if success is only a vague idea.

Poorly defined goals can ruin an entire project.

A project may start out with a certain focus but ends up in a very different place. There is a product, but it does not meet the aim of the project.

Those kinds of projects are impossible to keep on track because they have no clear goal.

So at the start of a project, during the planning phase, take time to understand the problem at hand. Consider how to measure success.

Plans Address the Wrong Needs

Software development projects are very dynamic and are subject to constant change.

In the beginning that is because project specifics are not developed in full detail. But also during the process changes occur.

Teams and stakeholders change their opinions over time. A software development plan must be flexible and written with the latest needs in mind.

Inadequate Documentation

Agility is good, but disciplined documentation is just as important. Starting with the planning phase, write down agreements, timelines, aspects, and project milestones.

Include Acceptance Criteria and User Stories. These help developers to grasp what the problem is and what kind of work it involves.

That will result in a product tailored to the needs of the client.

Communication Gaps

As in all projects, communication is of vital importance. User research and direct communication are two tools that can help with this process.

They help to define the user audience and adjust the product to their needs. Omitting them, as well as user validation, could result in an irrelevant product.

Don’t forget any external teams involved with the project. They too will appreciate and benefit from close communication.

No Leadership or Accountability

No Leadership or Accountability

Some companies leave the entire software development process to the IT department. Managers and other executives push away all responsibility in some cases.

This puts the software development plan into the hands of people whose strengths may lay in different areas. It results in a lack of direction.

This will likely lead to the failure of any software development process. Afterward, no one wants to take responsibility for them.

Scope Creep

If goals are not defined and documented, this may have very large negative effects later on.

Individual sprint goals may be hard to achieve. The result is a delay in feedback and meeting deadlines.

Building agility into a software development plan makes the project easier to manage. There will always be changes in the project and agility helps to deal with these adjustments.

There is an easy way to include flexibility in any software development plan. Break down a large complex project into small achievable milestones.

Lack of User Testing and Feedback

Most software is for human use. It is important to keep that fact in mind.

If most humans find it difficult or unpleasant to work with, it is likely that in the end, no one will use it. That would be a waste of all the invested time and money.

Ending thoughts on how to create a software development plan for your dev team

The planning of a software development project is as important as the execution of it. It lays the foundation for success.

It reemphasizes the software project’s methodologies, standards, and methods of the development team.

It serves as a guide to keeping the project on track with budget, resources, and timeframes. That, in turn, helps to meet the objectives and keep communication clear and effective.

Yes, it takes time to write a software development project plan but the investment is worth it. A well-written software development plan can serve as a template for future projects.

If you enjoyed reading this article on creating a software development plan, you should check out this one about enterprise mobile app ideas.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like risk assessment matrix, business pivot examples, in-house development vs outsourcing, financial software development companies, why is refactoring your code important, startup consultantstypes of investorsshare optionsIT outsourcing failuressoftware development principles, and software development outsourcing trends.

The post How to Create a Software Development Plan for Your Dev Team appeared first on TMS.

Why Offshore Software Development Actually Works Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:07:01 +0000 Software development companies face many challenges. From getting clients to optimizing marketing campaigns, these companies struggle to succeed in today’s competitive market. This is especially so for new startups. If a company doesn’t have a large budget, it is hard to afford qualified professionals to start and boost the project. To manage their IT requirements, […]

The post Why Offshore Software Development Actually Works appeared first on TMS.

Software development companies face many challenges. From getting clients to optimizing marketing campaigns, these companies struggle to succeed in today’s competitive market. This is especially so for new startups.

If a company doesn’t have a large budget, it is hard to afford qualified professionals to start and boost the project.

To manage their IT requirements, they need to find the right professionals and hire them. Most of them are needed on a long-term basis to meet the project’s goals. This is one of the main reasons why companies turn to offshore software development.

By hiring an offshore team, a software development company can achieve the desired results faster and cost-effectively. Not to mention, they can access more resources. Maybe the right professionals for the company’s success are not in its home country. But it may be possible to find them through offshore outsourcing.

Startups can find partners, employees, tools, and many resources overseas. They have the opportunity to work with offshore developers, web designers, app builders, and a wide variety of talent.

Also, combining the offshore team with in-house collaborators can bring many benefits. This helps businesses increase reliability, productivity, and efficiency.

This article presents a guide on how to approach offshore software development. We analyze important aspects that outsourcing companies must consider. This includes choosing an offshore team, coordinating the workflow between the in-house and overseas teams, and the advantages of software outsourcing.

Offshore software development: the definition

We can define offshore software development simply. If a company uses an offshore development team to build software that will be used in its country, they are using this approach.

This takes place when the outsourcing company is in a different time zone than the core business. An example of this would be an American company outsourcing tasks to an Eastern European team.

But outsourcing can be done in different ways. Companies can delegate tasks to entire teams, companies, or freelancers. They can delegate complete projects or specific tasks.

Types of software outsourcing

  • Delegate tasks to an offshore team of experts.
  • Delegate tasks to a freelancer or agency.
  • Delegate a complete project or specific tasks.

The tasks performed by an offshore team can be diverse. A team of professionals can handle a variety of offshore software development services. This includes app building, designing a user’s interface, or creating a dashboard.

In some cases, the project leader has only an idea. Then, the offshore development team is in charge of designing the project, planning the workflow, and bringing this idea to life.

How do offshore teams work?

The actual TMS team that you could work with

As stated above, teams can have various tasks and responsibilities. These will depend on the overall strategy of the product owner.

Project leaders who want to be deeply involved in the creation process can hire a freelancer or agency. Thus, they can design their plans and hire people that will best implement them. The product owner must understand that this requires more involvement in the work process. They must develop the strategy, set out instructions, and supervise the workflow.

Project managers who don’t want this type of involvement can choose a different option. A core company can hire an offshore software development company rather than a freelancer. The company will handle all the stages of the process. Usually, they have a team in place that can do the necessary tasks.

Creating software requires a combination of talents. App creation needs at least a good designer, a software developer, and a QA engineer. It is hard to find one single freelancer with all these skills.

Also, it is important to establish the deliverables, i.e., what the offshore team is expected to do. Most software development services offer fully customizable options.

The outsourcing company will stipulate the exact deliverables and time frames. Yet, we can divide the more common tasks into three categories.

Offshore software development categories

Delivery team. This is a team of dedicated professionals that work on specific tasks. They work autonomously in parallel with in-house professionals.

Staff augmentation. This is a group of people hired to work with the company’s IT department. They work as an “extended team.”

Project outsourcing. This is when a company hires a team to create a project from scratch. This team is in charge of all the processes and tasks needed to reach the desired goals.

Why Offshore Software Development Actually Works

Outsourcing tasks (or whole projects) to an offshore team can be beneficial. Companies can reduce costs, optimize resources, access more tools, and find great talent. This section lists the benefits of offshore software development.

Nine benefits of offshore software development

1. Reduce costs and optimize earnings

Thanks to offshore outsourcing, companies can develop their projects at lower costs. Hiring full-time employees in one’s country is not always profitable.

Moreover, hiring workers in the long term might be expensive. In most cases, employers must comply with job regulations and pay for vacations, leaves, social security taxes, and retirement funds.

By hiring professionals overseas, companies can avoid these costs without compromising quality. Eastern European developers are known to be highly skilled. In most cases, they are equal or better than American developers.

Also, the cost of living in this region is usually lower. This creates a win-win situation where the company reduces costs, and the offshore team receives an adequate income.

Companies can reduce costs and get quality work by outsourcing to Latin America, Eastern Europe, or India. The hourly rates for the best professionals in these areas are usually $35-$50 per hour.

2. Access the most talented teams

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

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Outsourcing software development tasks brings many benefits. Besides reducing costs, companies can get the best professionals in a particular field.

There are different projects and objectives. Yet, a truly innovative project needs a top offshore software development team. To develop a profitable IT project, the owner must hire talented and creative people. This talent can be found offshore.

There may be no one in the owner’s country with the required skills to carry out a project. And, if there is, this person’s fees will probably be quite high.

Offshore software development not only helps a company find talent but also reduces costs.

3. Improved focus on business and customer base

By outsourcing a project to the right people, a company owner can focus on other important matters. Project owners can concentrate on other areas of the business.

It doesn’t matter how good an app is if no one buys it. Without proper advertising, even the best projects can fail.

Knowing that their project is in good hands, owners can grow their brands, develop a marketing strategy, create the right niche, and find the best advertising software. Thus, when the product is ready, there will be a strategy in place to optimize revenue.

4. Industry expertise

A glimpse of what the TMS team has accomplished in the past years

Project owners should ask themselves: What makes a professional truly great? How to find the top offshore software development professionals? The answer is “expertise.” This is true for all areas, but especially IT-related projects.

The IT and web development industry is a young one. It has been developing during the past three decades. Thus, the best professionals are the ones who have been working in the field during these years. This is because their careers have developed hand in hand with the industry.

Project owners must remember that there is nothing like good know-how to develop a project effectively. By outsourcing overseas, they can find the best professionals in the IT field.

5. Well-designed strategy

Every successful project needs a well-designed strategy. This is especially so when hiring offshore developers.

Organizing a workflow between different people from various regions, cultures, and time zones can be challenging. This is why coordination is key.

Project owners should clearly establish deliverables, deadlines, and expectations. Also, they should make sure that every team member is given realistic goals. Each member is a thread in the project’s fabric. The strength, durability, and usefulness of this fabric will depend on each thread.

The success of the project depends largely on the long- and short-term goals. A project owner should create the right strategies and know when to implement them.

This ensures clarity in the work process. Hence, it will be easier for the project’s managers to supervise the operations and optimize results.

6. Workload optimization

Software development is a tricky process. In many cases, it’s hard to predict the exact amount of work a project will require.

By hiring offshore professionals, project managers can scale up and down according to current needs. If a stage of the process should require a heavier workload, then the manager can hire more developers. They would work only at that stage and for those specific tasks.

This helps optimize costs and time. There is no risk of overpaying, and managers spend less time recruiting people.

In this regard, hiring a dedicated team is the best option. They can balance the workload themselves according to the project’s needs at the time. Also, they can recruit people if necessary.

7. No employee training

Training people takes time and resources. In today’s competitive market, most project managers don’t have the time to conduct training. Luckily, offshore software development companies provide a solution.

These companies can afford to train staff because development is their main service. They make their living by providing services to other companies overseas.

It makes sense for them to train employees that will work with them in the long term. This training can also be useful for future projects. Sometimes, they even provide their employees with paid training sessions.

Offshore outsourcing is an excellent strategy to handle new projects. With this approach, companies don’t have to spend resources retraining their current staff. The extra tasks can be outsourced to offshore developers.

8. Faster Time-To-Market

By working with an offshore partner, the development process is faster. This helps companies to release their products on time. This is especially helpful on time-sensitive projects.

An offshore development partner helps the process run smoother. They can make sure that the best professionals are working on the project around the clock.

A project owner can rest assured that he will get a quality product right on time for market release. This approach also helps boost projects by achieving goals faster.

9. Ongoing support

In the IT industry, a project doesn’t end when the app is ready for the market. All software requires maintenance, customer support, and troubleshooting. The amount and complexity will depend on the software’s characteristics.

Offshore teams can provide software development services while the app is up and running. Good ongoing management is key to remain competitive in today’s market. Hence, project managers should consider this when choosing their offshore team.

The perfect development partner is the one that can complete the project on time and provide reliable maintenance.

Important factors to consider when hiring an offshore software development company

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

When working with an offshore development team, it is important to consider several factors. This section includes a guide to reach goals faster and more effectively.

Defining goals

Establishing clear objectives is key for the success of offshore software development. Companies must set goals in the short and long term and time frames for accomplishment. This helps create a realistic view of the project and design a plan.

Deciding the features and targeting an audience

Before starting a project, it is necessary to decide its characteristics. This will depend entirely on the targeted audience.

Project owners must understand who their potential clients are and what they are looking for. Companies must research and analyze the market by talking to users of similar products.

It’s also important to study your competitors. A business owner should understand what competitors do and what technology they use. It is vital to know their weaknesses and strengths. Thus, software development companies can design competitive products.

By analyzing traffic sources, users’ devices, and other analytics parameters, project owners can make informed decisions.

Setting the project’s priorities

The first step for offshore software outsourcing is to establish goals, terms, and priorities. A project manager must outline a work plan for their teams.

Later on, the staff can make their own decisions, but they must understand what’s expected of them. This will give the manager a further reason to trust the team and the freedom to address other responsibilities.

Avoiding budget pitfalls

It goes without saying that the budget needs to be part of the plan. From the very beginning, the manager must estimate the costs of the entire project. It is also vital to assess the cost/benefit ratio to understand profitability.

When this is covered, work can start. Yet managers should be prepared for unexpected expenses along the process. These are quite common in software development projects.

Setting quality standards

Setting the right code and architecture standard is important to creating high-quality software.  Managers should perform regular control checks. This will help supervise the project and ensure the creation of premium software. It helps to document standards and reports for an optimized workflow.

Protecting the project’s information

The software must comply with existing regulations. If the company owns the software, it will be regulated by the country of registry’s law. Also, earnings may be taxed.

This should also be considered for headquarters and branches. The product may be subject to tax in the country of incorporation and where the services are provided. This also depends on the UBOs and their country of residence.

Some jurisdictions require a license for certain types of businesses. This includes online payment providers, online gambling, and others.

Managers should consider international privacy laws. These must be considered when creating the project plan and marketing strategy.

When hiring offshore staff, it’s important to ensure confidentiality. The staff should not disclose private information as this may harm the project in the short and long term.

They should understand intellectual property rights and confidentiality terms. Many companies ask contractors to sign a DNA or non-compete agreement before hiring personnel.

Studying the legislation

When two or more countries are involved in a project, it’s important to consider legislation.

Companies should find out the government restrictions or conditions for developing software in a particular region. Having to deal with such issues after the project has started is extremely unpleasant.

Supervising the process

Managers should conduct regular supervision to ensure the process runs smoothly. It is important to have regular meetings and reports.

There are many apps for remote teamwork. These apps help organize the workflow, set deadlines, track performance, and assess objectives. The staff members can provide their reports and proof of accomplishment. This avoids time-consuming events like follow-up meetings or correspondence.

With this approach, managers can estimate the overall progress and take a new course of action if necessary. Project owners can set and reschedule milestones to optimize results.

While remote work software is effective, managers should meet with their staff occasionally. Some issues can only be addressed in a two-way conversation.

How to choose an offshore team

Choosing the best offshore software development company is no easy task. There are many teams of talented professionals in different areas of the world. They offer comprehensive and top-class development services.

One of the ways to find the best software developers is a good old trick: word-of-mouth. Yet, not all product owners have access to this information. Especially if they are taking their first step, they may not have a good reference to start with.

But there are many other factors to consider. Those factors can guide a person into choosing the most qualified team. This section lists the main steps to take before making this decision.

Comparing portfolios

The time you take to research the software development market is not wasted.

This decision will probably affect the outcome of a project. Hence, product owners must search, contact, and compare different options. Checking a team’s previous projects and their success rate is a good strategy.

Checking references

When you have found a team that looks reliable and whose portfolio you like, it’s time for the next step: checking references.

At this stage, project owners should deeply research the team’s work. Case studies, reviews, testimonials, and blog posts provide a good glimpse into the team’s performance.

It might be a good idea to contact companies that have worked with this team before. This can paint a picture of how they perform, handle problems, and stick to deadlines.

Checking standardized security protocols

Unfortunately, as technology advances, so do fraudsters. Scammers can also use every new tool designed for developing the virtual environment.

In this context, safety becomes a top priority. The chosen team must implement top-notch security measures, so the project’s information is safe. This includes intellectual property, logos, images, codes, corporate and personal data, and account and payment information.

Choosing the widest range of services

While someone’s objectives may be clear now, they can change in the future. This is especially true for long-term and IT-related projects.

If people want to launch a lengthy project, then they should be prepared. In this case, it’s a good idea to hire a team with a variety of services. This can help avoid issues and solve problems in the future. Also, it provides the project a holistic approach and flexibility.

When is the right time to hire an offshore development company?

Hiring an offshore team is highly beneficial, but it involves great setup efforts. In some cases, this is a cost-efficient option. Yet, this is not always the case.

How to know if a project needs offshore staff? This section lists a few situations when an offshore development company can be useful.

Lack of IT talent in the home country

Highly talented software developers are scarce. If a company doesn’t have top IT talent in-house and can’t find it in its country, then it’s time to go offshore. Serbia, maybe?

Mistakes that cost too much

When used to perform routine tasks, staff members can make mistakes. Companies and their employees tend to neglect some important details. Yet, a minor error can bring enormous consequences to the IT sector.

If this is the case, it might be a good idea to invest in an offshore team specialized in IT and tech solutions.

Cover the needs for special positions

Some projects require highly specialized skills. Also, some of these tasks require temporary positions, which top professionals are not always willing to take. This is a good time to look for offshore talent.

Reduce costs

Even if a country does have top IT talent, it’s usually very expensive, like it’s the case in the US or Western Europe. Hence, outsourcing these tasks to offshore teams can help reduce costs. There are areas with a low cost of living where top talent is affordable.

Also, hiring in-house staff is costly. It requires infrastructure and other expenses like sick and maternity leave, social security contributions, etc. In these cases, it might be a good idea to delegate tasks to offshore agencies or freelancers.

Handling complex projects

Complex projects require a great deal of expertise and know-how. Product owners should not hesitate to hire offshore talent if it helps tackle such a project.

Hiring flexibility

There is no point in hiring full-time employees for short-term projects. When the project is over, the person will have nothing to do. It is more cost-effective to outsource these tasks to a team offshore. This helps control expenses and optimize returns.

Ending thoughts on offshore software development

We can conclude that offshore software development is a profitable approach. Although not necessary in every case, it helps many projects.

By outsourcing software development tasks to an offshore team, a company can see many benefits. They can find high-quality work at lower rates, access top talent, and find the exact skills needed for a project.

With good organization, clear goals, security measures, and attention to regulations, an offshore team of developers can boost a project and lead it to great success.

If you enjoyed reading this article on offshore software development, you should check out this one about software development outsourcing trends.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like lean software development principles, how to hire a web development teamsoftware development budgetbusiness pivot examplesfinancial projections for startupsfinancial software development companiesIT outsourcing failures, and risk management processes.

The post Why Offshore Software Development Actually Works appeared first on TMS.

Lean Software Development Principles You Should Know Before Hiring A Team Tue, 25 May 2021 12:31:05 +0000 Lean software development principles are best practices borrowed from the manufacturing industry. These principles were drawn from the lean development methodology of Toyota’s production system. These have gained popularity among software developers within the agile community. Of course, there are differences between lean manufacturing and lean software development. For example, lean manufacturing focuses on producing […]

The post Lean Software Development Principles You Should Know Before Hiring A Team appeared first on TMS.

Lean software development principles are best practices borrowed from the manufacturing industry. These principles were drawn from the lean development methodology of Toyota’s production system.

These have gained popularity among software developers within the agile community. Of course, there are differences between lean manufacturing and lean software development.

For example, lean manufacturing focuses on producing physical goods. But, in lean software development, the value is in the developer’s mind.

Still, applying the principles of lean development to software development has many benefits.

The Origin Of Lean Software Development Principles

The term lean software development comes from a book, written in 2003 by Tom and Mary Poppendieck.

Lean software development principles are a framework of values and best practices. These boost the success of the software development process.

Organizations that employ the agile methodology created the lean development methodology.

The Seven Principles Of Lean Software Development

There are seven lean software development principles. For the greatest benefits, it is best to hire a development team that uses these lean principles.

This article explains each principle and its application in the software development process. 

Lean Development Principle 1: Eliminate Waste

Waste is anything that inhibits the ability to deliver what the customer wants in the best time frame. To eliminate waste, one must be able to recognize it and take necessary action.

To recognize waste ask yourself:

  • Is it possible to bypass an activity to increase development speed?
  • Is it possible to achieve the end goal without it?

There are seven wastes listed in Toyota’s school of lean manufacturing. These are:

  1. Waiting
  2. Defects
  3. Over-processing
  4. Motion
  5. Unnecessary transportation
  6. Inventory
  7. Overproduction

Collaboration is necessary to identify and remove waste from a project. Hold regular meetings and allow team members to share findings and suggestions. 

This amplifies team learning and facilitates the implementation of improvements to the code.

How Waste Impacts Lean Software Development

Here are a few examples of how waste affects software development:

  1. Unclear or constantly changing requirements: This results in rework, delays, frustration, a lack of focus, and quality issues.
  1. Unnecessary code or functionality: This results in delays in getting the software to the customer and slowed feedback loops.
  1. Starting more than can be completed: This overwhelms the team and impedes the workflow. It results in context-switching and handoff delays.
  1. Bureaucracy: This slows down development.
  1. Slow or ineffective communication: Poor communication among team members results in delays and frustration. Poor communication with stakeholders negatively impacts the reputation of the developer.
  1. Incomplete work: This prevents the team from learning from the work and does not benefit the customer.
  1. Defects and quality issues: This results in customer dissatisfaction and rework or abandoned work.
  1. Task switching: Task switching leads to delays, communication breakdowns, poor quality, and low team morale.
  1. Delays in the development process: This slows the delivery time to the customer and slows down feedback loops. 

Lean Development Principle 2: Build Quality In

Building quality into a piece of software is essential to eliminate waste. This prevents the developer from having to rework the software later.

When quality software isn’t produced it affects future tasks of the development team.

They will need to focus on fixing old work while juggling new work. This is also known as task switching, which is a costly distraction.

That is why, in lean development, quality concerns everyone. A high-quality output benefits the collective.

How can teams build quality into an app? Many software development teams have used the following lean development practices:

Pair Programming

This involves using two developers to work together on project requirements. Thus, the customer benefits from the combined skills and experience of both developers.

Test-Driven Development

This is where guidelines and metrics are set for developers before work commences. For example, setting criteria for code before writing it for the software.

Automated Testing

Automated testing handles manual processes that humans would find difficult. Automated testing speeds up tedious processes and administrative tasks. 

Lean Development Principle 3: Create Knowledge

Writing code is a difficult process yet it often helps to create knowledge. Retaining such knowledge is vital to software development companies.

This is so because it increases the delivery speed and success of future projects.

Staff retention is also sensible business practice. It is costly to hire and train new staff in the business domain.

Lean companies must follow development practices that keep knowledge discoveries within the business.

This is achievable by using a combination of the following techniques:

  • Knowledge sharing sessions to amplify learning
  • Pair programming
  • Wiki – to let the knowledge base build up in a cumulative way
  • Code reviews
  • Thoroughly commented code
  • Documentation
  • Training
  • Use of tools to manage requirements or user stories 

Lean Development Principle 4: Defer Commitment

It is wise to make careful plans. But, one must keep in mind that things do not always go according to plan. 

So, making step-by-step plans using the waterfall development methodology has become obsolete. This approach is inflexible and does not add value to the customer.

Instead of predicting the work years in advance, it is best to defer the commitment. Make small steps, and reflect on the lessons learned.

What does it mean to defer commitment? This means:

  • Not planning in excessive detail for months in advance.
  • Not committing to an idea or project without grasping the business requirements.
  • Scheduling irreversible decisions for the last responsible moment.
  • For the most part, making reversible decisions.
  • Avoiding decision-making that is difficult to reverse (locking in critical design features and code).
  • Constantly collecting and analyzing info on important decisions.

This lean methodology helps development teams create flexible software. It’s possible to adjust this is software without wrecking earlier work.

This project management approach is vital in today’s volatile industry.

Lean Development Principle 5: Deliver Fast

Faster software delivery reduces the possibility of customers changing their minds. This delivers value to the customer and minimizes waste such as work piling up in queues.

Faster delivery means faster feedback. This allows teams to adapt the software where necessary, and fast.

This increases customer satisfaction and decreases the frustration of having too much work.

What are some factors that slow teams down? They include:

  1. Thinking and planning too far ahead about future requirements.
  2. Non-urgent response to blockers.
  3. Over-engineering business requirements and solutions.

What can help teams speed up delivery?

Gone are the days of working long hours and weekends. The lean way of manufacturing and production focuses on optimizing the whole project.

It does this by:

  1. Structuring the work so that each member knows what to do.
  2. Allowing each member to solve problems and adapt to changes without asking permission.

In today’s competitive industry, speed to market can give you the edge. Lean development supports agile delivery by the following concept:

  • Build a simple solution, deliver it to customers, and enhance it incrementally based on customer feedback.’

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Lean Development Principle 6: Respect For People

A company that shows respect for its staff is more likely to have a motivated team. A motivated team is quick to adjust the software to reflect changes in the environment.

Motivation is the fuel that keeps a team fired up and ready to deliver. How is this achieved?

Respect People

Develop a management style that fosters engaged thinking and focuses on creating a great product. Here are some tips to help management teams achieve this:

  1. Be proactive and respectful when communicating with those you oversee.
  2. Provide staff with the needed expertise and support to accomplish their goals.
  3. Help staff to nurture their technical ability.
  4. Practice responsible planning and control.
  5. Provide teams with general plans and reasonable goals.
  6. Express trust in the team’s ability to self-organize to meet goals.
  7. Discuss work-related issues as a team.
  8. Encourage healthy conflict.

It is hard to set up a collaborative atmosphere and keep the balance of control within a project. The key is to allow development teams to make changes, but require them to report and explain their decisions to managers and you – the client.

Lean Development Principle 7: Optimize The Whole

Every business has a value stream. This is the process to design, produce, and deliver products or services to customers.

To deliver value to the client, companies need to optimize their value streams.

Although made up of code, the software is a product of many individuals completing their part of a chain. Software system defects tend to accumulate along this development chain.

This principle focuses on improving all the software development processes to cut system defects. In effect, it is a strengthening of the chain.

Do this by:

  • Splitting big tasks into smaller ones
  • Standardizing different stages of development

Additionally, cross-functional teams are a good way to optimize the whole. With this development methodology, everyone on the team can handle all parts of the chain.

It also means that there is a variety of perspectives on problems that arise. This makes it harder for defects to permeate the software system.

Ending thoughts on these lean software development principles

Are you looking to hire an app development company? If so, choose one that operates by these software development lean principles.

Development teams that follow these 7 principles tend to:

  • Deliver a flexible software product
  • Add value to you, the client
  • Deliver in an agile and effective way
  • Give your software product the ‘speed to market’ edge
  • Minimize waste
  • Deliver a high quality

Everyone wants to obtain value for their investment. This is especially true of those who seek a customer-oriented, flexible software system.

For this reason, it’s vital to educate oneself before making an investment. Use this article as part of the process, before taking the step of hiring an app development team.

So, when seeking to build an application, be sure to hire a team that operates by these seven lean principles.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

If you enjoyed reading this article on lean software development principles, you should check out this one about software development contract templates.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like how to hire a web development team, software development budget, business pivot examplesfinancial projections for startups, financial software development companies, IT outsourcing failures, and risk management processes.

The post Lean Software Development Principles You Should Know Before Hiring A Team appeared first on TMS.

The Most Relevant Software Development Outsourcing Trends Tue, 18 May 2021 14:05:27 +0000 Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a dramatic change in the global economy. One of the shifts has been the change to work from home and outsourcing. In order to remain competitive,  companies need to explore their outsourcing options. Software development is one of the fastest-growing types of outsourcing across multiple […]

The post The Most Relevant Software Development Outsourcing Trends appeared first on TMS.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a dramatic change in the global economy. One of the shifts has been the change to work from home and outsourcing.

In order to remain competitive,  companies need to explore their outsourcing options. Software development is one of the fastest-growing types of outsourcing across multiple industries.

Software development outsourcing is a great way to cut costs. Companies can maintain sites without employing IT designers and project managers.

The software outsourcing market will continue to grow in future years.

The Shift in Outsourcing Relations

There are many benefits to software development outsourcing. These include cost reduction, access to a bigger talent pool, and rapid turnaround times.

Good, reliable software development companies are easier to access today than ever before. Many outsource all their software development projects, from entrepreneurial startups to long-term partnerships.

This growing industry has many advantages.

The Demand for Software Outsourcing Is on The Rise

There’s an ever-increasing demand for software outsourcing. Many domestic companies are finding it harder to find talented software developers.

This means that the demand for software outsourcing has increased. Many businesses are choosing to work with specialists from overseas and remote locations.

Outsourcing software development projects can free up company resources. It offers flexibility, mitigates risk and can improve the quality of the project.

The trend of software development outsourcing is due to a lack of professionals and skilled employees. With a shrinking talent pool, businesses must adjust their approach to software development projects.

Companies Seek Specialist Outsourcing Providers

Technology is always evolving and so the demand for specialized software is increasing. Software developers are therefore in increasing demand.

Companies seek developers who can help maximize the cost-benefit ratio of software development.

Small software development companies that specialize in outsourcing and remote work are increasing. They may work on maintenance projects or software and app development.

Often, companies narrow their focus and begin to specialize in niche markets. Although their costs will go up, so will the quality of their final product.

Many startup companies are outsourcing their software development. They want the highest quality at the smallest cost.

With a little effort, it’s possible to find the right software developer. This allows companies to achieve the desired results and gain the maximum benefits.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Growth of Cloud-based Services

Cloud-based technology has become the main technology companies use. Maintenance is easy, it is compliant with security regulations, and it is low-cost.

This results in faster data operations and the ability to mobilize. It’s estimated that the global Quantum Computing Market will be worth 8 billion dollars by 2027.

Many products are available for data storage and data analytics within cloud-based Solutions. Industries are including more AI and ML as cloud-based technology becomes more important.

Shortage of Skillful Software Engineers

There’s an alarming shortage of skilled software engineers. This is partially due to the negative impact of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic.

But the real issue is a shortage of skilled and talented software engineers. Lack of experienced workers means that outsourcing software development will continue to grow.

Expanding IT Outsourcing Hub in Eastern and Central Europe

In recent years, companies have used fewer Asian-based software engineers. Instead, there’s been an increase in the use of Eastern European vendors and software development firms.

Outsourcing demand is greatly influenced by the need for new software. But since 2020 the need for remote and offshore workers has become more important.

Eastern European countries such as Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, and Belarus are especially appealing. They are home to experienced and talented offshore developers with excellent English skills.

These areas have replaced other outsource locations such as China and India. Eastern and Central Europe offer high-quality services with well-trained teams and reasonable prices.

Vendors Need to be Flexible

The nature of the IT outsourcing industry and its relations are changing. The expectations of clients are also changing.

This means that providers need to be more flexible in many aspects of the job.

Clients will expect vendors to adjust to their project and time frame needs. Providers should be prepared for adjustments and adapt to them quickly and smoothly.

This means that a provider would restructure teams fast and still deliver results in an efficient and agile way.

Clients are looking for an outsourcing team that can relate to the values and goals of their own team. They want an outsourcing provider that can integrate with the in-house team.

Overall, they want the company to be one big team working together well.

Most companies want to keep up with the latest outsourcing trends and innovations. They’ll be expecting the outsourcing team to be able and willing to use the latest technologies.

For a potential client, a good vendor or partner is one who invests in improving the skills of their staff.

Further Development of Artificial Intelligence and IoT

Further Development of Artificial Intelligence and IoT

2020 was a data-driven year. Expectations are that 2021 will be AI-driven.

Companies will continue to see the development of artificial intelligence and implementation of these technologies.

AI development cannot be ignored. As a key part of software development AI is expected to continue to grow beyond 2021.

Software development companies that provide tools for process automation and AI will be sought-after. Outsourcing service providers need to be able to automate processes.

The pandemic highlights the need for automation and artificial intelligence. It is evident by the significant increase in online sales.

Online shopping and delivery services are even more popular than before.

IBM, Samsung, and Microsoft continue to invest in AI startups trying to gain control.

High Demand for Blockchain Services

Blockchain services are in higher demand than ever before. They are expected to reach 16 billion dollars by 2023.

Global software development outsourcing trends in blockchain services will continue to grow. This is especially true regarding smart contracts and microtransactions.

Blockchain services can offer innovative money-raising solutions for startup software development companies. Many companies are seeking to work with outsource companies to develop blockchain products.

As a result, the demand for capable, experienced blockchain service developers is increasing. However, there’s currently a shortage of blockchain professionals.

This has led to fierce competition to hire skilled blockchain professionals. 

A Growing Need for Increased Cybersecurity

The need for cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, most tech companies are working remotely.

These companies can quickly become targets for cyber attacks so cybersecurity is vital. So there is a growing need for cybersecurity skills.

It is challenging for domestic companies to find qualified staff to meet this need.

Outsourcing helps companies to fill the gap in their cybersecurity forces. They can access top-level cybersecurity software engineers.

Cybercrime causes a lot of damage and costs to the business sector and individuals.

However, it is more common for governments to be the target of cyberattacks. So governments have become the main cybersecurity investors.

This can make it difficult for private industry to fund and staff their own cybersecurity. This is true regarding large IT companies and small family businesses.

Due to security concerns regarding business data, client data, and compliance standards, businesses may need to hire cybersecurity experts.

Fintech, Healthcare, And Telecom Industries to Be Significantly Digitized

Industries such as Fintech, Healthcare, and Telecommunications continue to transform to Julie. Potential clients search for outsourcing services.

Their needs can be met by Eastern and Central European software development companies. These needs are expected to dominate healthcare institutions, both public and private.

Software development will broaden their horizons of diagnostics and patient care. These trends offer unprecedented growth opportunities for a software development company.

Which Programming Languages Will Be the Most Wanted?

Industry forecasts also predict that 2021 will bring a change to some technologies. Many experts predict an increase in Rust as a software development language.

Rust drew the attention of many tech giants including Microsoft and Intel. Many companies implement Rust technologies and their solutions.

Growth of AR and VR Markets

In the year 2021, the AR market is expected to increase. With smartphones becoming more common, the demand for VR and AR solutions is high.

Expect improvements to the online shopping experience with AR solutions. A great example of an AR experience is Pokemon Go.

This app was popular during the past couple of years with its AR interactive characters. Technologies like these will continue to be a part of online experiences and daily life.

AR and VR could be useful in e-learning, tourism, manufacturing, and many more.

The market for VR and AR is still quite uncertain. Many companies are looking for VR and AR solutions and outsourcing options to increase sales.

By using these interactive elements in apps, games, and websites, companies improve customer experience and increase sales. Some larger companies that are already implementing these technologies are Apple and Mercedes.

Robotic Process Automation

Business process automation has recently become more prominent in daily life. This is because of AI and its conjunction with robotic process automation or RPA.

Some of the advantages of RPA are:

  • improved work coordination
  • reducing operation costs
  • less manual mistakes

In the ever-changing digital environment, business automation should be the number one priority. A few things that will benefit from RPA are:

  • logistics management
  • better-personalized experience
  • payment processing

IT outsourcing companies are investing more time into augmented analytics and business automation.

Bots and virtual assistants can take on the burden of repetitive and menial tasks. This is just the tip of the iceberg!

Both Native Applications and The Development of Progressive Web Apps Are Constantly on Top

Many of the IT outsourcing trends mentioned above have been around a long time.

Progressive Web Apps is a newer IT outsourcing development. Although, its rapid takeover of the app market is astounding.

PWA is a website in nature, so it surpasses native applications in:

  • cost of development
  • flexibility
  • SEO visibility
  • cross-platform usage
  • no-network performance

Native apps are mainly created for specific mobile platforms, such as Android or iOS. So it’s necessary to write the same app in two or more different programming languages.

For example, in general, iOS uses  Swift and Objective-C languages. Android uses Java and Kotlin.

Developing an application for more than one mobile platform can require more than one outsourcing team. This is due to the need to develop an application for each platform.

This makes native applications the most commonly outsourced development projects. The growing number of smartphone users will increase the demand for native applications. Also impacting this is a native app’s advantage over that of a hybrid or web one.

Native applications are faster, have better support, built-in functions, clearer code structure, are more efficient, and contain a better-adapted user experience.

Regulatory Agility

Regulatory Agility

Tech companies and service providers will need to be more flexible to be able to adapt to new standards and regulations. 2021 is going to be full of new rules and regulations.

It’s important to carefully negotiate contract clauses, along with back-end processes and regulations. It’s also important to keep in mind the costs of implementation and the costs that could be presupposed.

As of 1 January 2021, the UK is no longer part of the EU. This means that it is no longer a part of the EU customs union nor its single market.

Global Outsourcing Trends Forecast

The global economy has changed since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The shift to work from home has created an irreversible change to the global workforce.

As industries adapt to this trend, outsourcing will continue to grow. Software development is a key industry that will continue to grow in outsourcing.

Outsourcing makes a skilled workforce attainable for many more companies. It enables companies to keep a competitive edge.

Software development is an indispensable part of business, from small start-ups to mega-corporations. One of the best ways to keep ahead of the trends in this arena is by outsourcing software development.

Outsourcing software development will continue to be essential for all types of IT. From web and app design to site maintenance and artificial intelligence.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

If you enjoyed reading this article on software development outsourcing trends you should check out this one about financial software development companies.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like business pivot examplesfinancial projections for startupsstartup consultantsstartup advicestartup press kit examplesnearshoringBerlin startupstypes of investorsshare options, IT outsourcing failures, London startupsgifting sharesbest startup books and risk management process.

The post The Most Relevant Software Development Outsourcing Trends appeared first on TMS.

Get a good software development contract template from here Fri, 30 Apr 2021 11:10:36 +0000 Looking for a good software development contract template to use in relation to your developers? We’ve got you covered. Contracts are a necessary part of any business, and equally so in software development. This type of contract is typically called a software development agreement. The agreement defines what the expectations are for both parties. It […]

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Looking for a good software development contract template to use in relation to your developers?

We’ve got you covered.

Contracts are a necessary part of any business, and equally so in software development.

This type of contract is typically called a software development agreement. The agreement defines what the expectations are for both parties.

It also defines deadlines and performance expectations, including expectations for time and amount of payment. A good contract provides both parties with legal protection.

Putting an agreement in writing also provides a good reference for both parties to reference in the future. The old adage, “Good fences make good neighbors” is also true in the business world. Good contracts make for good business relationships.

When boundaries and expectations have been clearly defined things tend to go smoother. Differences can quickly be resolved and progress is made quickly. When the agreement is verbal, murky, or confusing, small issues can grow into legal headaches.

Key Points of a Standard Contract

Key Points of a Standard Contract

A well-rounded software development agreement usually covers some standard information, including:

  • Scope of Work
  • Payments Terms
  • Non-Disclosure
  • Intellectual Property Rights

Scope of Work

Scope of work can clarify what the expectations are for the software developer. This means it’s important to define specifics of what will be included in the job and what things won’t be included. Is there a range of hours that will be included in the project? What are the specific features? Are maintenance services included? Are there revisions allowed? If so, how many?

These types of scope of work questions should be addressed in the agreement between the parties.

Confidential Information

Software development may often place confidential information under the control of either party. It’s important that the contract clearly defines how confidential information will be handled. Many software development agreements also stipulate the consequences of failing to keep confidential matters confidential.

Confidential information can cover a wide array of data including:

  • intellectual-property
  • payment accounts
  • fee schedule
  • source code
  • patents information
  • copyrighted material
  • party identities
  • trade secrets

Payment Terms

Payment terms should be clearly defined in any software development agreement, including amounts, milestones, and dates. Will expenses be reimbursed? If a payment is missed will written notice be given? If so, when? Is payment due upon receipt?

Failure to pay may result in a termination of the agreement. It may also result in legal action. The software development agreement may include an agreement between the parties to make the attorneys’ fees become the responsibility of the breaching party.

Intellectual Property

Software development always involves intellectual property. The software development contract should clearly define who is the owner of intellectual property. Intellectual property may include:

  • source code
  • graphic art and design
  • trade secrets
  • copyright
  • patent

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Software Development Contract Template Example

The following is a software development contract template that you may find helpful in creating your own software development agreement:

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein and intending to be legally bound, the Parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Developer’s duties

Developer’s duties

The Client hereby engages the Developer and the Developer hereby agrees to be engaged by the Client to develop the Software in accordance with the specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Specifications”).

The Developer shall complete the development of the Software, the final product shall be delivered to the Client by [Final delivery date] (the “Delivery Date”).

For a period of [Time frame] after delivery of the final product, the Developer shall provide the Client attention to answer any questions or assist solving any problems with regard to the operation of the Software up to [Number of hours] of hours free of charge and billed to the Client at a rate of [Rate] per hour for any assistance thereafter. The Developer agrees to respond to any reasonable request for assistance made by the Client regarding the Software within [Time frame] of the request.

The Client may terminate this Software Development Contract at any time upon a material breach of the terms herein and failure to cure such a breach within [Time frame] of notification of such a breach.

2. Delivery

The Software shall function in accordance with the Specifications on or before the Delivery Date.

If the Software as delivered does not conform with the Specifications, the Client shall within [Time frame] of the Delivery Date notify the Developer in writing of the ways in which it does not conform with the Specifications. The Developer agrees that upon receiving such notice, it shall make reasonable efforts to correct any non-conformity.

3. Acceptance and Rejection

Acceptance and Rejection

Inspection Period. [Client] will have [Inspection Period] Business Days after [Developer] delivers the [Software] to inspect and test the [Software] to ensure it meets the Acceptance Criteria (the “Inspection Period”).

4. Training and Support Services


[Developer] shall, at [Developer]’s expense, provide [Client]’s employees with the initial training services necessary and desirable to operate the Software, as further described in the [Attachment], attached to this agreement, at [Developer]’s offices and [on days and times the parties agree to in writing.]


Initial Support. For the [12] month period beginning on the Effective Date, and at [Developer]’s own expense, [Developer] shall provide [Client] with telephone or electronic support during [Developer]’s normal business hours in order to help [Client] locate and correct problems with the Software, and internet-based support system generally available seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day.

5. Compensation


Compensation. In consideration for the Service, the Client shall pay the Company at the rate of [Rate] per hour (the “Hourly Rate”), with a maximum total fee for all work under this Software Development Contract of [Maximum total fee]. Fees billed under the Hourly Rate shall be due and payable upon the Developer providing the Client with an invoice. Invoices will be provided for work completed by the developer once every [Pay period].

6. Intellectual property rights in the software

The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Client will hold all intellectual property rights in the Software including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark rights. The Developer agrees not to claim any such ownership in the Software’s intellectual property at any time prior to or after the completion and delivery of the Software to the Client.

7. Change in specifications

Change in specifications

The Client may request that reasonable changes be made to the Specifications and tasks associated with the implementation of the Specifications. If the Client requests such a change, the Developer will use its best efforts to implement the requested change at no additional expense to the Client and without delaying delivery of the Software. In the event that the proposed change will, in the sole discretion of the Developer, require a delay in the delivery of the Software or would result in additional expense to the Client, then the Client and the Developer shall confer and the Client may either withdraw the proposed change or require the Developer to deliver the Software with the proposed change and subject to the delay and/or additional expense. The Client agrees and acknowledges that the judgment as to if there will be any delay or additional expense shall be made solely by the Developer.

8. Confidentiality

The Developer shall not disclose to any third party the business of the Client, details regarding the Software, including, without limitation any information regarding the Software’s code, the Specifications, or the Client’s business (the “Confidential Information”), (ii) make copies of any Confidential Information or any content based on the concepts contained within the Confidential Information for personal use or for distribution unless requested to do so by the Client, or (iii) use Confidential Information other than solely for the benefit of the Client.

9. Developer warranties

Developer warranties

The Developer represents and warrants to the Client the following:

Development and delivery of the Software under this Contract are not in violation of any other agreement that the Developer has with another party.

The Software will not violate the intellectual property rights of any other party.

For a period of [Time frame] after the Delivery Date, the Software shall operate according to the Specifications. If the Software malfunctions or in any way does not operate according to the Specifications within that time, then the Developer shall take any reasonably necessary steps to fix the issue and ensure the Software operates according to the Specifications.

10. Limitation of liability

Neither party will be liable to the other party for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages arising as a result of or related to performance of the work, regardless of the type of claim and even if that party has been advised of the possibility of such damages, such as, but not limited to, lost profits, loss of revenue or anticipated profits or lost business.

11. Indemnification


Indemnification by [Client] [Developer] [(as an indemnifying party)] shall indemnify [Client] [(as an indemnified party)] against all losses and expenses arising out of any proceeding

  • brought by either a third party, and
  • arising Out Of A Claim That The [Deliverable] Infringes The Third Party’S Intellectual Property Rights.

12. No modification unless in writing

No modification of this Contract shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by both Parties.

13. Dispute Resolution

Arbitration. Any dispute or controversy arising out of this agreement and [subject matter of the agreement] will be settled by arbitration in [State], according to the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect, and by [Number of arbitrators] arbitrators[s].

Judgment. Judgment may be entered on the arbitrator’s award in any court having jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Software Development Contract, both Parties by its duly authorized officer, as of the day and year set forth below.




[Developer.FirstName] [Developer.LastName]




[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName]

In conclusion, a well-executed software development agreement will provide legal protection for both parties.

This will make the expectations for both parties clear. Having all expectations defined will result in better professional relationships and long-term business.

Do you want alternative contract templates as well?

Here are several software development contract template examples you can use:

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

If you enjoyed reading this article on software development contract templates, you should check out this one about financial software development companies.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like financial projections for startupsstartup consultantsstartup advicestartup press kit examplesnearshoringBerlin startupstypes of investorsshare optionsLondon startupsgifting sharesbest startup books, and risk management process.

The post Get a good software development contract template from here appeared first on TMS.

12 Typical Mistakes with Software Development Budget Planning Tue, 16 Feb 2021 08:57:28 +0000 To have an under or on-target budget software development project, cost estimation is essential. When it comes to software development budgets, costs are always changing. This is because each project has specific requirements from the customer. So, each project will vary in deadline and cost. If a task is bigger or requires more time and […]

The post 12 Typical Mistakes with Software Development Budget Planning appeared first on TMS.

To have an under or on-target budget software development project, cost estimation is essential. When it comes to software development budgets, costs are always changing.

This is because each project has specific requirements from the customer. So, each project will vary in deadline and cost.

If a task is bigger or requires more time and energy, it will cost more. Much also depends on the developer team. Every team has different strengths, ways of working, and workflow.

Challenges like scope changes, scope creep, and delays can affect the project in various ways. It can impact the timeline and completion of the whole project or investment.

All these factors make creating project cost estimations difficult. Done correctly, software estimation can be an effective and helpful tool.

It can help estimators to provide value to their investments and organizations. The investment of time and effort is well worth it.

Cost Estimation –  Essential in Project Management

Cost Estimation -  Essential in Project Management

The ability to make accurate cost estimates is vital to a solid and effective project plan. Cost estimation uses many techniques and ways to figure out the project variable. This is then translated into deliverables.

A ‘cost estimation’ is an estimation or approximation of costs for a custom project. They include the resources needed to complete the project and the tasks involved.

In development, the software is never completed. There are always new tools and features to add.

This brings up an important question. How much should be budgeted for a custom software development project?

Sound cost estimations will prevent risks during the estimation development. One way to accomplish this is to identify outlier costs beforehand.

If the estimation process is thorough, it will be actionable.

Keeping the development to a solid and deliverable-driven budget prevents scope creep. It will keep workflows aligned with available resources.

Of course, there is a level of uncertainty in estimations. But, noting and identifying “Known unknowns” affords software development budgets a little flexibility.

This will help control future development issues and inform a plan of action to solve them.

Below are some common problems and mistakes. These relate to software development budgets and the estimation process.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Set the Right Expectations

Companies should set clear expectations and give the right amount of guidance. This focusing will help the development team to do well on the project and to deliver it on time.

For software development budget estimators, the following list should be familiar.

  • Document Code Release: Document and share the code release process.
  • Sprint Schedule: The team delivers 80% of the code they make and follow the sprint schedule.
  • Spike When Necessary: It is permissible for the development team to have some spikes for components.
  • Daily Meetings: The team has daily meetings for about 15-30 minutes. Here they communicate problems and report progress.
  • Demo Progress: Participation in a formal meeting among team members. Demonstration of completed work takes place.
  • Track Changes in Code: The team tracks and highlights changes in the code.
  • Pair Program Code: The soon-to-be-released code is pair programmed.
  • Testing: The development team uses unit test frameworks.
  • Acceptance Testing: The team makes acceptance tests before developers work on the project.

This is a list compiled by developers of the best coding practices. They help to ensure that developed software is completed and released on time.

However, this list doesn’t work for every company’s situation. Some projects require more or even less in the process.

Either way, it’s simple: It’s important to note and keep track of how every individual of the team works with the others. Make clear what the goals and expectations are for each member.

1) Unrealistic Expectations

Many expect that 100% of the team’s time will be booked. As much as you may wish it were true, it isn’t at all.

In fact, if this is the expectation, it can hurt you and the project. Having 100% of staff utilization is almost impossible.

With sick or personal leave, breaks, and company-wide sessions, even 90% is unlikely.

A good percentage to plan for is about 80% availability. Normal percentages are at about 80-85 percent.

That said, estimating low isn’t a bad thing, especially if everything hits at once. It is always possible to adjust expectations if necessary.

Reducing hours is easier than increasing hours when they are more than expected.

2) Failure to Cross-review Task Requirements

A good starting point for cost estimates and development timelines is a cross-review of the key task or project requirements.

Many projects need some members of the team to work on different platforms. This will require the team members to work together and cooperate with one another.

Difficult situations can arise if there is a lack of cooperation. For example, if an iOS developer and the backend developer aren’t cooperating, it can cause some issues.

When there is miscommunication or no communication it can result in a huge loss of time. It’s essential that all members of the team are on the same page and working together.

Make sure to carry out a cross-review of the task requirements.

3) Failure to Define an MVP

Sometimes, a minimum viable product (MVP) can result in a beta launch and eliminate waste.

Newcomers to software development may still have to learn that software is never completed or developed fully. They must also realize that what they think they need is not always what they do need.

This can make it difficult to create a realistic software development budget.

Flexibility in approach is vital.

Flexible development depends on the idea of a Minimum Viable Product or MVP.

This method supplies enough to get to market and defines the basic priorities.

By stripping it down to the bare essentials, a software project becomes easier to budget for. This is because it is easier to define.

Once the MVP is set and finished, the team can move on with divisions or iterations. This will help to develop the application to full-service.

It will then fill the needs of both users and the business itself.

The iterations may have their own budgets. This makes for a more fine-tuned software development budget overall.

It will also help to create a more solid and accurate budget. Accuracy is more important than making a start-to-finish comprehensive software development budget.

4) Failure to Secure Funding for 150% of the Estimate

A software development project is never really done. This means that there are more ideas and features than the budget can cover.

There is a risk too of unexpected costs. For instance,  the team might uncover things with unknown complexity that increase costs.

To meet this issue and protect yourself, it’s important to cover 150% of the ballpark estimate.

Of course, it’s always better to spend too little than too much. Allocating 150% of the software development budget doesn’t mean it’s necessary to spend this amount.

Instead, it offers protection from spending too much and becoming undercapitalized. In effect, it provides some wiggle room.

This makes the estimate and budget more realistic in real-world scenarios.

5) Allowing Stakeholders to Think Any Work Is Free

In a stakeholder’s mind, proposed timelines, deadlines, and budgets are set in stone. They may think that they have now paid for these features.

A stakeholder might start to think that there will be no further costs. Or they may think that any increase to costs will only be due to changes made.

The stakeholder needs to understand that features aren’t finalized or guaranteed until completed. This will help them to be more involved in the decision-making process and the project itself.

They’ll have a large part in tradeoffs and making adjustments. They’ll want higher priority items to be done first, and less important tasks done later.

Throughout the process, the stakeholders should be well informed. Always work along with the stakeholders and set priorities together.

6) Failure to Factor in Tax

Another easy mistake to make when making a software development budget is not factoring in tax.

Sometimes companies will work with clients who are not required to pay tax. So, when working with clients who do pay tax, it is easy to forget to factor this in.

This can create a mismatch between the actual and budgeted revenue.

Although tax may not make or break the budget, it can cause some budgeting problems. It can eat away at the profits too.

To avoid these problems, always include tax in the estimated budget.

7) Incomplete Scope Definition

Scope changes almost always occur, adding expenses to the project.

A good thing to remember is Murphy’s Law – whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Not having a full picture of the scope beforehand can cause many issues during the project.

It can lead to wasting time, money, and resources. Failure to have a clear scope can also result in missing the client’s objective.

Efforts to fix the problem often invite scope creep from the client. This is due to a lack of clarity regarding the scope creep before the project begins.

So the problem now becomes the fault of the company, not the client and their indecisiveness. If this happens, there is nothing that can get the project back on track with the budget.

8) Failure to Control Scope Changes & Creep

When managing and controlling a large project, communication is vital. Good and frequent communication will help the project to flow smoothly.

Confirm requirements and over-communicate with stakeholders. This is essential for everything to stay afloat and on-track.

At times, changes and adjustments in scope are necessary. The team may discover this via testing and/or a change in the business strategy.

They may agree to make these adjustments in order to reach the business goals.

Scope creep refers to any unplanned changes in scope. Common causes of these changes include:

  • Incomplete requirements
  • Expansion or increase of requirements in scope
  • Stakeholders decide to take the business in a different direction

Make sure to be as inclusive as possible when writing out business requirements. Try to include every potential stakeholder.

Using the correct collaboration tools in this step of the process is crucial.

9) Failure to Implement Maintenance Costs

Most people focus on the writing and designing of the application. The costs, implementation, and costs of maintenance afterward are often things that are in the back of their minds.

But these can cause big problems such as technological debt after about three years. The way to prevent this is to have the right scope of work.

That said, the project budget should include:

  • securing the quality of the whole product (Quality Assurance)
  • maintaining the server framework and infrastructure
  • automated tests for system elements
  • updating plugins and libraries (minimizing vulnerability to attacks)

10) Failure to Allow Time for Research

Formalizing evaluation and research times are key to developing better cost estimates.

Estimating is not an easy job, especially for those who are new to it. Making it even harder is the fact that the tasks may be completely new to the assignees.

In these situations, the project manager can choose between two courses of action. One is to rush to complete an immediate estimation which would be a total guess.

Or two, set a time limit to complete an investigation.

To reduce the risk of an inaccurate estimation, it is important to do the proper research. This could even affect whether a certain task is undertaken or not.

It may be that it would be better to update the business’ project priorities.

It may be necessary to adjust a task’s value to bring it in line with the business’ perspective. This is also based on the resources needed to complete the task itself.

These resources may include the time and effort of the development team.

11) Treating Estimates As If Solid Numbers

Sticking to a fixed price too firmly and being completely inflexible is a bad thing. It’s necessary to take an agile approach to help the development of the application.

It is a given that adjustments will be necessary throughout the development and duration of an IT project.

Being prepared for such changes financially and as a company is crucial. If not, this can cause the company to waste time and money by creating additional expenses.

It can also stop the progression of the project altogether.

In the estimating stage of the project, the team may suffer from a division of needs.

Members of the development team may have reservations about giving estimates. But stakeholders will likely want some solid numbers to work with.

The estimate isn’t much more than an educated guess. Unfortunately, it is often viewed as a firm number that isn’t supposed to be exceeded.

If it is, it could seem as though this has become a  “runaway” project. Needless to say, this can cause a lot of other issues.

12) Attempting In-House Development

Some companies decide to develop an app on their own.

It may seem like this is the cheapest way of developing an application. In fact, it’s the most expensive method of doing so.

This is because software development requires so many different things. These include specialists, tools, and even experience in software development.

To run even the simplest of projects requires the following:

  • project manager
  • developer
  • backend developer
  • analyst
  • testing engineer
  • designer
  • front-end developer (needed in most instances)

If it is one of the main channels for working with clients, it would make sense to switch to in-house development. This is also true if the work on it calls for several permanent specialists on the company’s side.

The Time and Money Different Features of Software Development Require

For any company, software development is a substantial investment. Depending on the kind of application, it can sometimes cost tens of thousands of dollars.

So, there’s no easy way to calculate the cost of each variable of the project. A mobile application with a limited number of simple features can cost up to $80,000.

A somewhat complex application can be $80,000 to $150,000. For example, it could be an application with mobile and web functionality or a customer-oriented service app.

The most complex software that you can have developed can cost up to $1 million.

According to Clutch, businesses that have developers located in the United States or Western Europe have higher costs for their development projects.

This means that these developers are serving are large corporations or enterprises. These include Skype, Lenovo, Thomas Cook, Mercedes-Benz, SAS, and FlixBus. Businesses like these offer bigger development budgets.

Labor costs in Eastern Europe are generally lower. This includes labor costs in tech fields like software development.

A skilled developer’s rate ranges from $35-50 per hour. Notice these hourly rate comparisons:

  • North America – $150/hour
  • Western Europe – $110-$300/hour
  • Eastern Europe – $20-$50/hour
  • Central Asia – $15-$25/hour
  • South Asia – $30-$100/hour
  • South America – $20-$55/hour

Although geographically close, software development costs for Eastern and Western Europe are very different. Countries such as Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, and Moldova are included in this region.

Ending thoughts on typical mistakes with software development and budget planning

Everyone wants to save money, especially when it comes to a large investment like a software development project.

The right way to save on this investment is to reduce development costs. This can happen at various stages of development.

The trick is not to lose any quality during that time. This requires optimizing certain processes while not forgetting other tasks.

Staying on track to achieve all the company’s goals can be a challenge. By avoiding these common mistakes, success will be within reach for you and your business.

Making an accurate and realistic software development budget is the key.

It’s impossible to predict the future, but good planning can help. Avoid the pitfalls that hinder success.

Accurate planning for the complex work of software development can lead to success.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

If you enjoyed reading this article on software development budget, you should check out this one about how to write an RFP.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like how to hire a web developer, ALM tools, hire a web development team, application lifecycle management and web development companies in Serbia.

The post 12 Typical Mistakes with Software Development Budget Planning appeared first on TMS.

Why Is Refactoring Your Code Important? (Must Know) Wed, 13 Jan 2021 09:52:29 +0000 A code smell is any weakness in the source code that indicates a deeper problem. Ignoring a  detected smell code may lead to poor readability, extended troubleshooting time, or trouble maintaining a project in the future. Some developers ignore code smells when rushing to complete a project before the deadline or because they lack deeper […]

The post Why Is Refactoring Your Code Important? (Must Know) appeared first on TMS.

A code smell is any weakness in the source code that indicates a deeper problem. Ignoring a  detected smell code may lead to poor readability, extended troubleshooting time, or trouble maintaining a project in the future.

Some developers ignore code smells when rushing to complete a project before the deadline or because they lack deeper knowledge of the entire project. That results in them adding and changing the source code without improving it.

One of the ways to solve or prevent such issues is code refactoring.

Code refactoring is the process aimed at making the code more efficient and sustainable. This helps save money since it is more affordable to clean up the code now than to fix more serious errors later.

Code refactoring doesn’t remove existing bugs, but it does prevent them in the future.

In this article, we will answer a few questions:

  • What is refactoring?
  • Why is refactoring your code important?
  • What practices should you employ when refactoring your code?

Code Refactoring – What Exactly Is It?

Code Refactoring - What Exactly Is It?

Software aging is the decaying of software over time due to the things mentioned above. Code refactoring fixes or prevents that decay from occurring.

Code refactoring is a process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior. The aim is to improve the design, structure, and/or implementation of the software without affecting its functionality.

Refactoring is used to improve the system’s maintainability, performance, scalability, and security, among other things. When done correctly, it can enable developers to expose hidden bugs or areas in which the system is vulnerable.

Refactoring should never be confused with rewriting the code. The main difference m is that, contrary to refactoring, rewriting does affect the system’s behavior.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

Code Refactoring – When Is It Needed?

There are a few good reasons for refactoring your code. We present the top seven.

Keeping Your Code Clean

As mentioned at the outset, refactoring helps you spot code smells. Some examples may include duplicate code, excess of parameters, comments, and so on.

These decrease the code’s readability and slow down development or increase the risk of bugs and failures in the future.

When that happens, the repair of a damaged code is long and expensive. Thus, a code smell is a driver for refactoring.

Improving the System’s Performance

Removing unneeded classes, functions, variables, and methods through refactoring makes your software run faster and smoother.

Every time the code is refreshed or updated, the software’s performance improves. A responsive system eliminates the risk of complaints from customers while elevating user experience.

Resolving the Technical Debt

Resolving the Technical Debt

Technical debt is a metaphor that treats the cruft as a debt. The interest payments of that debt being the extra effort these changes require.

Tech debt is a result of prioritizing speedy delivery over perfect code. It occurs when developers expedite delivery by compromising the quality of the code. It is dangerous since a badly written code may cause the failure of the whole system.

Refactoring introduces needed fixes as a way to solve the code debt.

Making It Easier to Add New Features

It is opportune to refactor the code whenever a new feature is added. Taking an additional day for this will accelerate the introduction of new features and will regularly remove technical debt.

Saving Time and Money

Trying to understand a poorly written code requires a lot of time to understand and even more to clean up and upgrade. A refactored code is clear and expedites the implementation of new features.

If the disorderly code already caused damage, more time and money must be invested to find and fix the problems.

Removing Duplicate Code

Removing Duplicate Code

When several developers team up to work on one project without good communication, they may repeat a code that has already been written. This, in itself, is not only a waste of time but also complicates the codebase.

Refactoring gets rid of duplications and removes all other unnecessary parts slowing down the software’s performance and decreasing its functionality.

Increasing the Security

A codebase could be compared to a tree while refactoring would be trimming and removing unnecessary, unhealthy branches and twigs. Then, your code is “trimmed”, or comprehensible. An optimized code enables you to find and fix any parts of the system where the security could be compromised.

Useful Tips for Code Refactoring

Here are some tips to follow when attempting to refactor your code:

Ensure the Check-In Is Cleaner than the Check-Out

Always remember that every code deteriorates over time. Any time changes are made in the code, try to spot any parts in the surrounding code that may need upgrading. This way, a cleaner code is ensured when checking out from version control.

Pay Attention to Your Infrastructure

Pay Attention to Your Infrastructure

The first thing to do is to take inventory of the codebase. Identify and classify reusable parts of the code as true components and modules.

A component is a fundamental block, possibly general-purpose, that can be tested independently from any related products or projects.

A module is a cohesive group of code that performs a complex primary function without outside interference and can be used in many products.

Making a clear distinction between components and modules will help with determining how to best proceed with the refactoring process.

Make a Careful Plan and Timeline for the Refactoring Process

Be certain of what exactly you want to be accomplished. This may be to perform a full cleanup of the code or only edit some things to improve readability.

Determining the goal will help in scheduling enough time for the refactoring project to be done properly.

Choose Meaningful Names for Methods and Variables

Having meaningful names within your code will eliminate the need for needless comments. Clear names will make the functionality of each method and variable evident.

Code Refactoring – When Don’t You Need it?

Code Refactoring - When Don’t You Need it?

Refactoring does not change the external behavior or affect the functionality of the software. Its purpose is to clean, clarify, and structure the code to ultimately prevent more serious issues.

At times, however, it may be necessary to completely revamp the application. When that happens, refactoring is not required. Instead,  a complete rebuild of the code is then needed.

Refactoring code that doesn’t contain all the necessary test coverage may lead to more issues.

If you work with legacy code without all the needed tests, you cannot be sure that the code you are refactoring works.

If unsure of how the updates made will affect the code, it can become damaged instead of improved. It is recommended to postpone refactoring for a later time.

If you are on a tight schedule,  you may leave refactoring for later since it can be more time-consuming than expected.

Ending thoughts on why refactoring your code is important

In short, code refactoring is the process of cleaning and optimizing the structure of a code without affecting its external behavior (software’s functionality).

It can be a simple job (like adding or removing comments, getting rid of static variables, or adding correct indentation) or a complex and time-consuming project, especially when dealing with complicated legacy codes.

Either way, code refactoring is necessary to stay clear of serious code rot. Code rot is a consequence of duplicate code, wrong classifications, and other programming inconsistencies.

It may also be the result of having multiple developers working on the same project and writing in individual styles, thus adding to the incoherence in the coding script.

Looking for a development partner?

If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

A few examples include premium booking software Trafft, MedTech apps like MR Prepare, or MarTech/AdTech apps like the Advise Media Suite, among other great software examples.

Check out our services and also some of the work we’ve done for our clients. Who knows, maybe we’ll form a successful relationship.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

If you enjoyed reading this article about why is refactoring your code important, you should read these as well:

The post Why Is Refactoring Your Code Important? (Must Know) appeared first on TMS.

The Ultimate Product Improvement Guide for Your App Tue, 08 Dec 2020 15:12:20 +0000 In the 1900s Henry Ford invented the Model T automobile. That car was in production for almost 20 years. It was the first car that appealed to and was readily available to mass amounts of people. The fact that only minor changes were ever made highlight its durability. But each year Henry Ford changed its […]

The post The Ultimate Product Improvement Guide for Your App appeared first on TMS.

In the 1900s Henry Ford invented the Model T automobile. That car was in production for almost 20 years. It was the first car that appealed to and was readily available to mass amounts of people. The fact that only minor changes were ever made highlight its durability. But each year Henry Ford changed its design.

Likewise today, businesses and app developers strive to make durable and appealing products. It is a challenge to create a quality product. It is also challenging to keep customers happy when releasing product improvements.

At any given time, an app will need several improvements. Teammates and customers will have various opinions about a product’s improvement. But product improvement will not make every customer happy. So a developer needs to pick his battles wisely. A collection of data can help to make an informed decision on product improvements.

The focus of any product improvement should be the needs of the users. The main priority is to create a better customer experience. And as with the Ford Model T, a product improvement may be a simple change to the design of the app. This keeps customers interested and engaged.

In this article created by TMS, we’re discussing some points which will help with product improvement for apps:

What is Product Improvement?

Product improvement is the process of making changes to enhance a product already on the market and increase its value. These changes result in new customers, better customer retention, and more satisfied customers.

Market research, product testing, customer feedback, and competition guide product improvement changes. There are two main ways to make product improvements. They are to add new product features or improve existing features.

Adding New Product Features

Adding New Product Features

Adding new features expands the ability of the existing product and creates new use cases. A new marketing campaign may be undertaken along with the issuing of press releases. Often the publicity attracts new customers. Non-customers may hear of a product for the first time due to the new product features.

Adding new features, however, is risky. Developers need to be confident that customers will value the new feature. When building a new feature several factors should be taken into consideration. Consider:

  • What people say they want
  • What people really want
  • What people are willing to pay

Improving Existing Features

There are several reasons to improve an existing feature. Perhaps users do not understand how to use the feature. Or some may not even know that the feature exists. But changing an existing feature can be tricky. Three ways to do so include deliberate improvements, frequency improvements, and adoption improvements.

Deliberate improvements are changes that make the feature better. Knowing why customers use the feature can prompt developers to make deliberate improvements. It’s also important to understand what customers appreciate about the feature.

Frequency improvements are changes that encourage consumers to use certain features more often. A feature that is infrequently activated requires a frequency improvement. This type of improvement transforms a feature into something that is used every day.

Adoption improvements target customers that do not use a feature at all. This type of improvement aims to get every user to employ the feature. For example, if only half of the customers use a calendar feature, adoption improvements strive to motivate everyone to use it. When it is evident that a change or integration will encourage everyone to use a feature then apply an adoption improvement.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

How to Tell if a Product Needs an Improvement

When should an app be upgraded? The most obvious case is when bugs or performance issues arise. Successful apps update not only when something goes wrong, but at other times too. How does one tell when a product improvement is in order? Here is a complete list to help plan when to upgrade a product:

Performance Issues

The most important thing, after launching an app, is assessing how it performs. Many metrics need to be analyzed to determine overall performance. Look at bounce rates, average usage, and engagement levels. This will assist in discovering any performance issues.

Bug Fixes

Receiving bug reports is a developer’s nightmare. After testing and finally uploading the app to the market, it is frustrating to hear that it is not working. But every app has errors and real-life situations will bring those errors to light.

New App Design

New App Features

If an app has been on the market for a long time it may be time to give it an upgrade. Redesigning or improving the experience the app provides keeps customers interested.

It creates excitement and encourages them to continue using the app. Some businesses make the mistake of focusing on improving only the aesthetics of a product. Consider both the aesthetics and customer experience to create an effective product improvement.

New App Features

Another reason to upgrade an app is to add new features. Trends come and go at a fast pace and businesses need to capitalize on them before it is too late. Adding new features to keep up with trends will encourage customers to keep using the app. It will also provide a thrill for customers. They can enjoy using the improved features before they knew they needed them.

Expanding to Other Platforms and Devices

Since there are so many different mobile devices and platforms, businesses have to launch apps that are compatible with all of them. Each platform and device works differently, so apps need to be tailored to work correctly. With constant advancements in technology, new devices are released at a rapid rate. This creates an ongoing product improvement battle to stay compatible with all devices.

User Feedback

In this world of social media, user feedback is abundant. Often customers leave reviews in the app store, on social media channels, and on business webpages. User feedback provides insights into how an app is performing in real-life situations. It also indicates what customers want. It is important to read these reviews and act on them by improving the product.

Ageing App Codebase

Many say that the mobile codebase ages fast. Technology is improving at rapid rates and new trends appear all the time. Businesses must plan frequent upgrades to keep pace with these new technologies and trends. In general, that means upgrading an app once every two years.

Latest Technological/Design Trends

Latest Technological/Design Trends

New design trends are springing up at a rapid rate. Apps with new designs excite customers. Businesses strive hard to create a new look to attract more customers. When apps do not keep up with new trends customers leave. So, apps need to be upgraded to compete with these new designs.


Security is another very important aspect of apps. Hackers are a constant danger and customers will leave if they feel like their information is unsafe. Offering the latest security measures will keep customers safe and instill confidence.


Last but not least, stability is another factor involved in making a product improvement. Customers will not stick around if an app crashes time and time again. App stability is an essential metric that determines the success of an app.

A Guide to Product Improvement

Product development and product improvement include some of the same processes. After developing a product it goes through the process of being tested and tweaked. Both product development and product improvement have the same goal of appealing to customers. Both processes strive to deliver a product that customers want. And in both processes, a developer needs to understand customer desires and how to fill them.

The following includes product improvement processes:

Track User Feedback

User feedback provides valuable insight into the desires of customers. It also provides a window into their behavior and expectations. So an important step in the product improvement process is to pay attention to user feedback and reviews.

→ Keep an eye on social media posts, app store reviews, and customer service messages.

Find the issues or patterns most often mentioned in user reviews. Then use that information to prioritize upgrades.

Businesses can take the additional step of conducting UX research. UX research is a more in-depth method of discovering what customers want. Combining the data from user feedback and UX research provides valuable information. It forms the foundation for creating a product focused on the needs and wants of customers.


Product testing is the process of evaluating the performance of a product. Designers do their best but it is hard to examine how a product will fare in real-world conditions.

Product testing employs real users to assess if a product performs well under realistic conditions.

It is impossible to create a perfectly functioning app the first time around. This is why testing and tweaking are so important. Continuous improvement will ensure the app meets the needs of users.

What are the benefits of product testing?

Testing a product will help one to:

  1. Better understand the needs and preferences of customers
  2. Identify the well functioning aspects of the product
  3. Identify points of the product that need improvement
  4. Assess if the product fulfills the needs of customers
  5. Assess if customers understand how to use the product
  6. Choose the best version of a solution in the case of 2 or more conflicting solutions
  7. Test the reaction of the target audience

How to conduct successful product testing:

  1. Benchmark existing core metrics
    • Depending on the app, metrics can range from active users and customer lifetime value to acquisition costs, conversion rates, churn, and retention rates.
  2. Identify areas of improvement
  3. Set clear goals
  4. Test repeatedly
  5. Keep a log of learnings
  6. Apply those learnings to product optimization decisions
  7. Readjust the product roadmap

Chart the Usage of the Product’s Features

Not every feature creates a wow factor. There will be some features that users barely notice. Tracking the usage of each feature provides data about how users flow through the app.

→ Every feature of a product needs to move users from signing up for a mobile app to being a paying, happy customer.

Map out the sequence of features that users should move through from beginning to end. This will identify any drop-offs or unsuccessful transactions. Several tools are available to help collect the data. This data shows the flow of the app, helping identify if and what product improvements are necessary.

Mapping the paths customers take within a product provides insight into how the app performs. Most likely there will be multiple paths within a product. Users will not all take the same path so it is best to focus on the paths followed by paying customers. Then make product improvements to enhance those areas first.

Mapping feature usage will give a clear representation of which features have performance issues and how users flow through the app. This data will help identify any required product improvement. It will also help to prioritize product improvements.

Immediately Prepare Bug-Fixing Updates

A developer’s job does not end once the app is available online. They have to watch, listen, and discover how the app is performing.

→ Monitoring and interpreting user data can determine the success of an app.

Teams need to be ready to address bugs, reports of crashing, and user concerns for an app to be successful.

More often than not, an app will have bugs that need addressing soon after release. Releasing bug fixes two to three days after an app’s launch will reduce criticisms and bad reviews.

Incorporate Expert Perspectives

A fresh set of eyes can provide a new perspective and helpful suggestions. Ask team members who were not involved in the development of the app or feature to review and test new updates. Expert evaluations can test an app and reveal what improvements may be necessary.

There are different types of expert evaluations. They include:

Heuristic Evaluation: This is a usability inspection. Evaluators examine the user interface design to identify any usability problems.

Heuristic Markup: Heuristic markup is a less formal method than heuristic evaluation. It is executed by internal employees. They navigate the product the way they expect a user to and review the performance.

Cognitive Walkthrough: This an approach to check product usability by completing tasks. Evaluators complete set tasks to ascertain if new users can understand and navigate the interface.

Conversion-oriented Evaluation: This method of evaluation estimates how many users will take the desired action. For example, it can determine the percentage of users that will purchase something on a website or app.

Content Audit: A content audit evaluates if the content and information on a website are up-to-date and usable.

UX Review: A UX review requires a professional to analyze a website or mobile app. They look for usability and user experience problems and suggest how to fix it. It is based on scientifically backed methods.

Keep a Regular Flow Of Updates

The most successful apps release between one and four updates a month. These updates include a mix of feature upgrades and bug fixes. Regularly providing updates ensures that your app stays up-to-date, reliable, and competitive.

Ending thoughts on product improvement

Keeping customers happy means consistently delivering value. And product improvement plays a major role in that.

There are many stages to improving products. First, one needs to come up with a concept, organize a strategy, and seek approval from stakeholders. The next steps include building a prototype and then conducting extensive testing. Unfortunately, it is an expensive and complicated process.

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If you’re looking for a technology partner, development team augmentation, or just a company for your software&app development initiatives, consider TMS.

TMS is a software and digital company in Belgrade, Serbia. We develop innovative and modern software.

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