Due to COVID-19, many people have been forced to reduce their staff numbers and have turned to an outstaffing company to fill in the open job positions. Even before the virus software, hiring an outstaffing company was popular – their popularity only seemed to double with the outbreak of the pandemic.

Generally, the decision to hire an outstaffing company starts with the realization that to continue being successful, your company needs to hire a development team that is based abroad. In addition, this decision is also made because it requires less money and opens the potential employee pool to talented individuals in other countries.

Once this decision has been made, the outstaffed team becomes an extension of the existing in-house team. You, the manager, will be in contact with your outstaffed employees and discuss their projects and performance.

What Type of Team Is Best for You?

What Type of Team Is Best for You?

Hiring a team of outstaffed employees guarantees a new business relationship. Going along with this, you need to specify your needs and clarify any rules that you find important; doing this will help you to determine what kind of outsourcing solution will fit your company the best.

You’ll want to figure out how long you intend to use the outsourced company. Whether you’re looking for a short-team team for a specific project or seeking a long-term commitment, it’ll make things a lot easier if you know what type of team you need.

We can help you turn your idea into reality, take over your existing project, or extend your current development team.

Schedule a free consultation at hello@tms-outsource.com, or fill out the form and we will follow up with you shortly.

HR and Staff Considerations 

Before partnering with any given outstaffing company, you need to make sure that the company can provide you with the talent that you desire. There are a few key questions to ask potential companies:

  • How long does it take your company to find programmers with the necessary skills I need?
  • Will you provide your own developers or use custom recruitment to fill my spots?
  • What are your strategies for retaining staff?
  • What’s your experience level in terms of recruiting the skills I need?
  • What is your onboarding time, on average?
  • How many recruiters do you have?
  • What’s your capacity for recruitment?
  • What terms and conditions do you have centered around increasing or decreasing the size of my team?

Research the Backgrounds of All Potential Providers

Whether you have five potential providers or 2 potential providers, it’s important to put in a bit of time and effort to thoroughly research each background. Yes, the more potential providers you have the longer this will take you but your business will be rewarded well for your diligence.

A successful outsourcing process relies on mutual trust, which is why you want to conduct these background checks. You need to make sure that the provider you go with checks all your boxes and manages to quell every shred of doubt you might have about their reliability.

Contact the Provider’s References

If an outstaffing company is building your entire app or website for you, it’s a good idea to ask them for references. They should be able to provide you with at least two good references.

If your provider tells you they have no references but you still like the company and see the potential in them, give your project manager a task; have him or her manage the outsourced staff directly to ensure that things are done properly and to your standards.

You could also look for case studies on the provider’s website or dig up samples of their previous work.

If you do successfully get in touch with a provider’s reference, ask them about how the provider handled requests for changes. You want to work with a company that adapts to change well and professionally takes criticism.

Conduct a Capability Evaluation

Perhaps the most important factor when deciding on a company to work with is whether they have the technical know-how that you need. The first step in deciding if a company possesses technical capabilities is defining your company’s strengths, needs, and weaknesses.

Once you know those things, you can go forward with weeding out the best outstaffing company for you. A few factors concerning technical capability that you should look into include:

  • Technology and skills
  • Maturity of operations
  • Depth of service

Prioritize Market Reputation of Providers

Regardless of which type of business you run, you can’t afford to work with a company that can’t honor deadlines or is impolite and unpleasant to work with. This being said, it’s important to look into the reputation that your potential provider has before signing a contract.

The reputation of a provider can and does shed light on the company’s past successes and failures, which is something that’s good to know when considering working with someone. Since social media is so popular with both companies and individuals, it’s a great place to get an idea of reputation.

Using social media you may be able to find reviews and testimonials, as well as connect with customers to get more information about their experiences with the vendor.

Mind Your Budget

We can understand wanting to work with the best vendor, however, the perfect vendor is often the most expensive one and as such, your budget is a factor that needs to be considered. Before you look into vendors, decide on how much money you can comfortably afford to spend on a project and how far, if necessary, that budget could be stretched without causing too much trouble.

Going into an agreement, avoid vendors that spring hidden costs or additional fees on you and aim for the best vendor that you can afford with your allotted budget. Never compromise the quality of your project for the promise of a lower cost.


When putting your faith in outstaffing, there’s always a certain level of risk associated. This risk, regardless of how small, is crucial to keep in mind. Should something go wrong, company data and trade secrets could be compromised, so don’t be scared to ask questions regarding security measures.

Here are a few questions to ask.

  • What terms and conditions do you have relating to intellectual property rights?
  • What disaster recovery plan do you have?
  • Are you prepared to sign a non-disclosure agreement?
  • Which security measures do you have in place for those who can access my project?

Ending thoughts on how to pick the best outstaffing company

With these crucial points at the forefront of your mind, your outstaffing process should go smoothly and yield great results. You should, without a doubt, be left with a valuable resource for transforming your ideas into effective software creations.

All this being said, using an outstaffing company can have its drawbacks. Personal time, leadership, and resources will need to be invested in order to secure the best team of developers for your company.

If you’re in need of some help outsourcing your various operations, you may want to consider getting in contact with TMS.


TMS builds, tests, and launches (as well as enhances!) complex mobile and web apps. Our services are ideal for companies with a fast growth rate and development companies who need help scaling up their capabilities for development.

TMS works hard to maintain and improve quality, improve productivity, and optimize costs so that working with the company is cost-effective and worth every penny.

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